hows does this work if at all?



its just a big capacitor stuck across the battery, like they do with audio systems to 'dampen' the battery voltage. In theory, it stores up power, and if you get a current surge then it will discharge to 'top up' the battery current.

Pretty useless as the battery already _is_ a huge capacitor... ( there is a lot of debate as to whether they work or not for car stereos even, so doubtful it will do anything ).

Its one of these things - people who shell out loads of money on them swear that they see improvements etc and will argue for them, ( but they would say that because they'd look like dicks otherwise ;) )

I can think of a system that would work to guarantee all your sensors had the same voltage though , hmmm, next project...:idea:

<let the flaming commence ;) >


How did I know you'ed be the first person to reply to this lol, I was thinking the same thing but I thought I'd ask as you never know :wink: .

The main reason I posted it up though was so that the whole membership could get the heads up, Before they bought one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

keep me posted on your new idea though numnut :wink:



what you trying to say ? :lol: I'm an electronics gimp, I can't help it :(

Maybe you should buy one anyway, and fit it beside your FCD, your electric supercharger, the '20bhp increase' resistor and that magnet thing that improves the octane rating of your fuel :roll: :roll: :roll:

I daresay some other tech monkey will be along in a minute to extoll the virtues of fitting one, but from an electrical point of view, the capacitor stores about 1/2000th the power of battery, so connecting it in parallel is going to do jack 5h1t.


I resent being called a techmonkey! :lol:
I have one on my altezza, i didnt notice any power gains but my torque curve was smoothed out a bit. I also have some electrical gremlins, my dash lights would dim whenever i went onthe brakes, the voltage stabalizer did help with that to some extent, but as AJ4 (forgive me i dont remember your real name :oops: ) pointed out the charge they store is so small they barely make a difference. That being said i do believe that they work to a small extent. Not any huge bhp gains..maybe 1 or 2 at the most.

The proper ones work by smoothing out any voltage spikes or dips.

You would be better off making sure all your grounds are good as well as the wiring harness is in good condition.


What do you know you bought a BMW :shock: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

AJ's name is Little sweaty Mcjock :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

I don't think i'll be splashing out on this rubbish then :wink: .



i wish i got the 325.....cant afford to insure it on my gypo liscense

im rocking a sweet pair of £20 addidas though :lol:


Sirnixalot said:
im rocking a sweet pair of £20 addidas though :lol:
Cheap skate :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Get yourself some proper trainers :roll: , You can afford it :wink: .

You could allways go and sell you boney ar5e on the local street corner like andy does :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
