i dont even know where to start


New Member
well i rebuilt my car this winter because the seal in my turbo went and it was burning oil really badly so i had it rebuilt and upgraded intercooler boost controller puel pump plugs air filter relocate battery into boot and something else im sure im missing.
i got everything back together and sent it for paint and it still smoked a bit which i expected cause of the old oil in the system so i got it painted and got brand new exhaust on it and it was smoking reall badly still so i was driving it cause there was nothing dropping oil leak pressure was good temp good boosting really good then it started to drop oil pressure and temp went up.
so i opened the hood and there seemed to be no sign of any oil leaking or anything so i bought a lil oil and poured it in and then waited for it to go to the bottom of the engine and then started it took a long time to start but then finally did then i got driving it again with alot of smoke and then it shut off i got out to find that my camshaft end seal came out and pi$$ed all my oil out i dont know why it did and what is happening i need help fast please anyone know anything at all let me know thank you i need help
cheers alex
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i take it you put a new rocker cover gasket on it first of all?

if so and it was fitted correctly then you maybe building up pressure in rc which has forced the moon seals out of position.

what you need to do is refit the gasket and put a thin bead of sealer under the half moon bits only! then try it again, if it blows again and assuming the breather system is clear and you have not blanked the rear breather pipe off back of rc, then i think you have a very serious problem buddy!
due to the smoke you say shes putting out and you have rebuilt it, i would say that you may have a misplaced oil control ring 'which can sometimes happen when refitting the pistonds back in bores unless you are very carefull.
hope its not that for your sake but check breather system first, before panicking;-)


New Member
Started to read it but could not find any full stops or could not understand a thing and got bored!


New Member
due to the smoke you say shes putting out and you have rebuilt it, i would say that you may have a misplaced oil control ring 'which can sometimes happen when refitting the pistonds back in bores unless you are very carefull.
hope its not that for your sake but check breather system first, before panicking;-)[/quote]

i didnt rebuild it myself i had it rebuilt at a shop here where i live .