I Think I Ruined my E.C.U. !


The problem is that I was trying to hook up a Autometer Afr. meter. I was going to splice into the wires where the Ecu is located using the information given in the How To Section in this forum. I started by splicing into wires number 47 and 48 an that went well , then I accidentally cut into wire number 17 instead of wire number 19 like I was supposed to :oops: and tryed starting up the car. This didn´t go well and the car wont start now. the starter motor works fine and all fuses are ok.

Please give me some advise on what my next step could be.
Do I need to buy a new ecu and all the wiring parts that link up to the E.C.U. or can I just throw the car away now and forget about it :(

Please help me ´cause there aren´t many gti-r specialists in Iceland so I was hoping for someone in this forum that can advise me on what my next step could be?


Daniel :oops:


Well-Known Member
As you've been cutting the ecu wires are you sure they are all connected back up properly?

Does the engine managment light come on when you turn on the ignition?

It does sound like a blown ecu :( But even if it is i'm sure someone on here has got a secondhand hand one they could sell you. And it wont cost you a fortune to sort out :wink:


Well-Known Member
Maybe, but it could be the ecu relay.

Theres a green relay mounted next to the ecu. Can you hear this relay click when you turn the ignition on :?:


Yes I hear a clicking sound from where the ECU is but I´m not sure if It´s from this specific relay that you are talking about. Is it a good or a bad thing to hear this clicking sound? :)


don't despair - you might be able to fix what is wrong. Unfortunately I'm not near a circuit diagram at the moment but I will be tommorow. I've fixed a few blown Ecu's already so I know a bit about them and what goes wrong ;). I'll post again tommorow when I get my hands on my circuit stuff and maybe I can talk you through fixing it :oops:


which wire was you trying to connect up on the afr gauge?
just all these wires are only piggy-baking on to the ECU so i cant see why it would of caused a problem, and if it did i would of thought it would have killed the AFR gauge rather than the ECU.

i would be looking for a cut wire somewhere maybe. ive installed a few of these and i know how fiddly it can be and how thin those wires are.

but anyway what is the wire you were connecting, either power or signal?



ok just had a look........pin 19 is the signal from the lamba sensor so this wont affect anything. Are you sure the other connections are right(power)

measure the signal from pin 17 and see what it is :wink:


The only possible things that could be wrong is a blown track on Pin 17, or you have blown the AFM but its extremely doubtful.

Best thing to do is remove the AFR wires and return the ecu wiring to completely standard to see if you still have the same problem.

If that doesn't help, remove the Ecu, take the lid off and look at the track that connects to Pin 17. You will be able to see straight away if it is blown, most of the track will be green as normal and the blown bit will look like two orange circles with a black bit in the middle where the track has burnt away. Its easy to fix if it has blown though, so dont worry.

Also, have you tried to see any fault codes on the ecu ? that might point to the problem straight away ( ie, broken AFM ).


Hello guys and thanks for all the tips.
I think I have found the reason why my car wont start. :D
I took the E.C.U. out of the car and had a look into it. It seems that one of the tracks leading from the pins has burnt ( It´s green first but then it changes into black. The pin that burned is number 36 and I checked the wire and it seemed ok.
So can you please tell me what my next step will be?




Thanks guys for all the advice and help!
This problem is officially solved. I went to a workshop and fixed the burnt track and now the car is running fine :D .

