idiot in scooby wants a race.



hi there, im new to owning an R and have had mine about a month now and absoloutely love it!! im not one of those pr*ck headed chavs who buys a car to look good and go hang a round car parks where little 15 yrolds want too be your car hoe! i brought mine for the sheer fact of loving them!! my little brother came home one day and said this c*ck nose wants a race on this drag strip (long road what nobody uses) in buxton, he has a scooby and is scared i might be some kind of competition to him!!:doh:

at first i told him to go f*ck him self but i think this could be quite funny if i do thrash him!

what do you all think?? if you all reckon i have a chance i will record it on my video camera and stick it on here but if not im not gonna bother.

(he has 277 bhp my r has 280)

cheerz AL.:thumbsup:


New Member
you are joking arnt you, the scooby has no chance at tall, you could probably pull away in second and have a good race


it will be close! all down to your launch technique and gear change!personally i would shirk out that one, or you may have to eat humble pie, as i did when i raced my brothers scooby at the pod in my zx300tthe was quicker off the mark and i wasnt really closing on him throughout the distance.mind you the zx was an auto, but he did run under 13sec


Hi Al,

I d err on the side of caution just till you get the launching right;-)
or you could end up with some numb nut going round Buxton spreading the word that your R is **** slow:evil:

Now thats annoying especially from a scooby owner!

Whereabouts is this road by the way pal?



The only idiot is the person that takes up the challenge :roll: , Who cares if his car is quicker :der: ....



Active Member
What modal scooby is it?If you launch right you should be ok i have beat loads of scoobys and they don't seem all that even rolling i would say you would still have the edge on him as long as your R is running well.


them scooby type Ra STI's are very quick
the ligthweight ones with close ratio boxes


pulsarr said:
them scooby type Ra STI's are very quick
the ligthweight ones with close ratio boxes
Again this comes down to driver, plus the fact you never actually know what is under the bonet or floor pan of the other guys car;-) My 1st very plain looking GTi-R ran 300hp with a close ratio box and was very fast, scared alot of higher power cars, until the clutch went fromt the 5k launches lol:lol: :roll:

Fire & skill

Vintage member
firstly you need to check if this scooby is an RA -
list your mods and we will tell you if you can run more than 1bar boost :lol:

but in all seriousness listen to what Rob said - is it worth it?


New Member
i raced a scooby in my poorley, smokey, overfueling, 10psi turbo'ed R,, and i still thrashed it!!! it was a white STI !!! if i was you il go for it mate!!! show him who's the quickest in the village!!!:lol:


im not sure what model it is, all i know is it looks clean its 277 bhp and the driver is a c*nt, i no what your saying rob thats why ive told him too go f*ck himself because im not a c*ck nose who buys a car too show everyone that mine is better than anyone elses.. but just showing the w4nker up would be great (while sticking my d1ck outta the window at the same time!)

my r isnt that modded at all it pretty much standed. im thinking i mite be the bigger man and let him dream on.

o and matt the drag stip is a road beside the common where the 19th hole pub is (water swallows).


New Member
there is a guy near me who has a scooby running 264bhp and a youmg lad who goes to his house asked me if i wanted to race him i just laughed:der: ,i think those kind of people only drive scooby's because of there rep i don't think they really have a clue about cars if they did they wouldn't be driving a scooby now would they:doh:


New Member
whos clanger is bigger.. its an important question for people that don't actually know what to do with it.

Why not get them out and compare sizes, whats the worst that could happen, then tell us all about how a lighter car beat a heavier car with the same power.. we've not heard it before ever... really..



like the guy said you dont know whats under the bonnet and its down to the driver but i was speaking on a general note

the whole thing with street racign is you dont nkow whats under the other guys bonnet and thats the reaosn why is more of a buzz
youl either get embarassed lol or maybe not

if you want a challenge and your think you can manage it with your driving do it

someone said its not wort it or dotn waste your time but not all r owners are that old/mature lol