In garage tomorrow, what else should I look for / replace?



My car is going into my mates garage to have a few things done and replaced, including...

Fit new fuel pump
Flush and replace engine oil, brake, gearbox, clutch fluid etc
Fit new oil filter
Fit new brake discs and pads, both front and rear
Try and make the horn work (rewiring)
New bracket / welding the exhaust to stop slight knocking on rear bumper
Checking / cleaning spark plugs

Also gonna just do a general look over the engine bay and make sure all setup properly and no cracks or leaks in any pipes etc...

My engine is quite tappety (all R's were that I looked at), but I would like to try and fix this, idea's? Cheap? Will probably be something for after Xmas though I think..

Is there anything else we should look for / change while at it?

Thanks :)


New Member
be honest mate i wouldn't flush it. if u have changed the oil regular like every 3000 or so miles then that should not be an issue. but flushing a turbo charged engine especially round the centre bearing of turbo is not a good idea.


New Member
i would also check your c/v boots front and rear. and like general check over for leaks etc.


how is your clutch holding up? I replaced the gearbox/transmission/clutch fluids in mine (hadn't been done since factory AFAIK) at about 100,000 km's then about 10,000kms later I had to get my clutch replaced and change some of those nice clean fluids again.

My point is, if your clutch is getting a bit old might not be worth doing some of those fluids it till you change your clutch.


I had a new Helix Organic fitted around 2 months ago so it's ok :)

I've had the work done now anyhow...