Inlet manifold heater bypass


Active Member

I read a while ago that the inlet manifold/plenum, is plumbed into the coolant system and heated. The post also mentioned bypassing this, and removing the connection to the coolant system.

What I want to know is, where are these hoses and what's the process to remove and bypass them ?

Any piccy's would be nice.




Staff member
They're the ones that connect down to your main water pipes at the back of the engine and when you take them off the head water comes out ;-)

Remove the pipes to/from the main water pipe. Remove all the left over connections pipes and rubbish.

loop back the feed and return (I also blocked this pipe in the middle but it doesn't matter really)

My manifold is off the car again so I can take some pictures later if I remember.


Active Member
Thanks Jim.

If you could take those pictures, I'd be most appreciative.

Would I be able to do it with the engine in situ ? I plan on just taking the plenum off, and maybe the throttle bodies, if it's really required.



Staff member
I did mine in situ but I took the manifold off from the throttle bodies up. A new gasket is only around £5.

The main difference is a stupidly low idle whilst warming up as I removed the auto choke rubbish too. The upside is it only take me 10mins to whizz off my manifold nowadays for getting at the back of the engine for coolers, sensors etc etc.

My manifold might be cooler and I might have saved some weight but I'd be telling fibs if I said I could tell the diffrence.


Active Member
campbellju said:
I did mine in situ but I took the manifold off from the throttle bodies up. A new gasket is only around £5.

The main difference is a stupidly low idle whilst warming up as I removed the auto choke rubbish too. The upside is it only take me 10mins to whizz off my manifold nowadays for getting at the back of the engine for coolers, sensors etc etc.

My manifold might be cooler and I might have saved some weight but I'd be telling fibs if I said I could tell the diffrence.
I know what you mean but, every little helps in my book !
I'f the manifold has to come off, I'll get one of those PTFE thermal gaskets from the states I think. You can pick them up for less than £20 the last time I looked !

Thanks for the info as ever though !


Active Member
diesel weasel said:
gtir thermal gaskets come from gizmo in nz
You can get several different makes of PTFE gasket (Gizzmo gaskets are made from something else, which I can't think of ?!) from eBay too. One guy in Canada was doing one for about £20 inclusive.
Another guy in the states is currently doing them for around £30 inclusive !

Hondata also make them !


New Member
you might be able to get different makes but the only one i ever found that was gtir specific is the one by gizzmo


Staff member


Active Member
diesel weasel said:
you might be able to get different makes but the only one i ever found that was gtir specific is the one by gizzmo
I'm not sure it matters bud, as long as you specify the correct SR20DET item which, I believe is the 'high port' one. I.e. injectors on top of throttle bodies. It looks like this design:


With ' representing the bolt holes and o representing the ports (ignore the - ).
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Active Member
campbellju said:
Pictures of mine are hre on the GTIROC:

Water, air plenum and auto choke removed

The water was the old metal pipes that were removed and in this shot you can see the left over holes

I've simplified it a lot when you compare it to a standard one and that's why its so much easier to take off
Great, thanks Jim.

One last question, what size pipe (I/D) would you think would be big enough for the bypass ?
It looks like large vacuum hose (6mm I/D) might do ?!




New Member
youngsyp said:
I'm not sure it matters bud, as long as you specify the correct SR20DET item which, I believe is the 'high port' one. I.e. injectors on top of throttle bodies. It looks like this design:


With ' representing the bolt holes and o representing the ports (ignore the - ).
apparently our inlet stud pattern is slightly different, from everything i've read about people wanting to put our quads on de's they dont bolt straight on.


Active Member
diesel weasel said:
apparently our inlet stud pattern is slightly different, from everything i've read about people wanting to put our quads on de's they dont bolt straight on.
That's interesting.

To lead on from that, has anyone fitted one of these 'thermal intake gaskets' ? If so, which one ?

Even the Gizzmo one looks like the 'standard' SR20DET 'high port' design !


youngsyp said:
To lead on from that, has anyone fitted one of these 'thermal intake gaskets' ? If so, which one ?

Yes Agra fitted one when they put my engine back together for me, But I can't remember where I got it from.

They didn't say that they had any probem fitting it apart from the fact that he said he'd probably have to put some kind of sealer on it, Because it doesn't have the lip like the standard gasket.



diesel weasel said:
its a gizzmo, i got it for you irrc

:doh: So that's where I got it from :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: , It's been hanging in the garage for so long I forgot :oops: , It's my age :oops: .



Well-Known Member
Odin said:
They didn't say that they had any probem fitting it apart from the fact that he said he'd probably have to put some kind of sealer on it, Because it doesn't have the lip like the standard gasket.
I questioned if it would need sealer or not when i got mine off kieron, he convinced me it wouldnt so i just chucked it on and its been there 18 months with no problems ;-)

This is what the gizzmo one looks like:
