inside wear on tyers



just got pulled of the dibble and they pointed out to me that i had illegal tyres on the front, they are both bold on the inside edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. recently the r got lowerd at the front with some kyb springs and dampers has this caused it, does the camber need adjusting cos its lower, also where can i get this adjusted if it is the problem. ps i only have 7 days to sort it or the pigs will kick my ass :oops:

Fast Guy

Staff member
The law says you must have at least 1.6mm tread over the central 3/4 of the whole circumference of the tyre. So the edges can be worn abit :wink: unless there's a get out clause I haven't seen.


Youll need the tracking adjusting, most garages will be able to do it, failing that any ATS or Kwikfit. Tha camber is not adjustable on the front, unless you buy a set of camber bolts.


New Member
:D I agree with Jase,you need to get it tracked :!: If you higher or lower any car,you need to get them tracked afterwards :!: :D


you will need more than just the tracking doing as ive had this problem aswell.ive had my car tracked 2 times within the last 3 months and its still wearing the inside out of a brand new tyre within 3-4 weeks :oops: going to try some camber bolts me thinks, had it in at a local garage and they reckon the camber is miles out. they also said they will track the car AND setup the camber for 40 quid which another garage also qouted me. so DONT let anybody tell you that you need to go to a specialist to get the camber set. Dont bother trying local quick fits etc as they say 'they dont touch camber' :wink:


New Member
mine was weari ng bad on the inner edge and had to keep swaping wheels front torear ,then i had it "4 WHEEL LASER ALIGHNED" at work


gtir303 said:
mine was weari ng bad on the inner edge and had to keep swaping wheels front torear ,then i had it "4 WHEEL LASER ALIGHNED" at work
had one of them done when i got my new tyres.

they seem to wear alot mroe evenly now.

tho the front left toe adjust arm had a ceased nut on it. so it could not been adjusted for a day or so untill we finally got it free.


Due to not being able to adjust the camber at the front (unless you add the camber bolts or adjustable top-mounts) you will always get some inner tyre wear, even at standard ride height. Drop the car a bit and it only gets worse...


yep your right, ive had mine '4 wheel laser aligned' 3 times since ive got it and it makes no difference at all to the tyres.

After having spoke to powerstation yesterday he said 'if you lower the car you will need camber bolts, full stop' :wink:

Matt Evans

I've noticed inner wear when I changed my wheels last week, and was a bit worried. How much are the camber bolts and where can I get them?



when u get the car 4 wheel laser aligned, they use a computer program to tell u what the correct settings are. How will they know what to set the camber if it is not adjustable without these bolts at the front? or does the program tell u what the settings should be if these were installed? :?


Active Member
I nicked this info from another post on here but can't be ars3d to find it again to link to it :) - so credit to the author!

As standard toe in/out is adjustable and that's yer lot.

Manual only states for 14" wheels, someone may have better figures from Power Station.

All figures unladen, coolant, oil and fuel full, Spare tire, tools,and mats in designated positions

Front:- Camber -40 to +50 minutes, Caster 30 minutes to 2 degrees, Toe in 0-22minutes (0-4mm)

Rear:- Camber -55minutes to +35 minutes, Toe in -6 to +18 minutes (-1 to 3mm)

GeeTee 8)


New Member
make sure your tyre pressures are correct as well should be 37 psi on the front and rear according to nissan mine wore really badley until i adjusted them and its not so bad now


Mine used to wear out tyres even when set as Nissan state, so i set it just outside to compensate for the tyre wear and its been fine, I know some peeps wont agree with setting tthe track outside what it should be but i done notice any difference in the handling and it saves me forking out for tyres all the time, which leaves more money to spend on other things :wink: