is this a safe / recommended earth point?


New Member
just wondering if this is a safe earthing point in my boot, as i dont really want to drill a hole into it. so just connected it to this bolt thats already there. (it works fine)
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I'm not sure if I'd take an earth from the fuel pump/tank cover lol.



New Member
bah, suppose il drill a hole then. im just paranoid about water getting to it and it rusting.


New Member
if your worried about rust then once you've drilled your hole you can spray a bit of paint over the hole


I used one of the strut top bolts to earth my new boot mounted battery, If you do drill a hole make sure you use stainless nuts and bolts and cover it with wax oil.



That's a crap point, you'd be better off putting a new ring terminal on it and putting it under one of the seatbelt bolts.
Don't use the rear-lights wiring if it's for car stereo stuff.
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New Member
yeah its for car stereo stuff, but i suppose il try ur method of using the seat belt bolt, cheers mate.

Fast Guy

Staff member
deslynam said:
That's a crap point,
I'm curious, why? It's a direct connection to the bodywork, the same as going under a seatbelt mount will be. PS you'll need a big ring:shock: to fit inder those.


Fast Guy said:
I'm curious, why? It's a direct connection to the bodywork, the same as going under a seatbelt mount will be. PS you'll need a big ring:shock: to fit inder those.
you are right fast guy its a perfectly good earth point anywhere on the body as long as its bare metal is fine:?

mine just goes to the boot floor;-)


Active Member
kirko said:
you are right fast guy its a perfectly good earth point anywhere on the body as long as its bare metal is fine:?

mine just goes to the boot floor;-)
Agreed. Just get some wet and dry paper or a dremel and take the paint work, around the bolt hole, underneath the fuel pump cover back to bare metal. Clean up the point where the terminal touches the fuel pump cover. Fix it all down and spray some wax oil over it to stop rust !