It wont start!



Eventually got round to changing my actuator and leads. When finished i went to start it up for a well waited for test drive and it wouldnt start! The engine turns over and sounds like its trying to run on one cylinder. My first thought was a lead not on properly or mixed up leads. I checked them and all are fine. To do the job i had the intercooler and oil breather off. Any one have any suggestions would be much appriciated?????


Active Member
Might just be flooded. When that happens with mine it won't start unless I keep the accelerator pedal held down.

Not sure what you mean about the one cylinder thing, as if it won't start I don't see how you'd know (as I'm not overly technical), but its worth giving this a go.

Hold down the accelerator pedal, push it right to the floor, and turn the car over until it starts. If it is flooded, after a minute or so you'll normally hear the engine trying to catch, if you hear that noise, just keep going!!!

Good luck, if its not that I'm out of my league and you need one of the techy boys on here ;)



New Member
Just a suggestion but i would probably go over everything you've just done to the car and see if there is something not quite right.

You did put the new leads onto the dizzy properly, you have to make sure they are on and clicked on, just a thought you never know lol.

Goodluck, Ant.


yes thats what i made sure they are definetly on the right way and clicked in position..checked twice. il go over it again bet its something simple!


yes thats what i made sure they are definetly on the right way and clicked in position..checked twice. il go over it again bet its something simple!


run through everything i took off its all in place leads are matched to the dizzy cap. A thought from a post above, when i replaced the leads i started the car with out the intercooler on. It ran which proved my leads were ok. It ran rough and smelt of fuel like it was running rich. Could i have flooded it by starting it with the intercooler off? il have to take a look at the plugs. thought it would of cleared by now tho!


After looking for anything obvious ...... Again found nothing! so decided to try turning it over again. after a few turns it started to fire on 2 then 3 then eventually 4 cylinders! while doing this i had a look under the bonnet where i found water coming out of the intercooler pipe which i had slack!! It turns out that rain water got into my turbo from the pipe i had off while fitting the actuator through the bonnet vent......Cant be good. But anyway its running again. :lol: