its abit noisy



hi guys and girls need help with this one

luanched the car and shot off into the trafic and turn off at my turning

when came of the pedel load clattering noise can you help please

cheers hopfully ken


kengtir said:
hi guys and girls need help with this one

luanched the car and shot off into the trafic and turn off at my turning

when came of the pedel load clattering noise can you help please

cheers hopfully ken
spoken to a mechanic and he said the big ends have gone so you know the next question where do i get the end shells from and the best and quickest way to get the job done oh probley have to do the little end shells as well ?????????? help and advise would be nice to all guys and girlls cheers for looking and thanks ??????? :shock:


New Member
yes big ends and mains from nissan they will prob want all the numbers off the car ie chassis number and the number off the bottom of the engine when you take the sump off to get the correct size bearings for your crank, as there are several different sizes. but as fast guy says any competant mechanic can do them in situe.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Big ends should be OK, but I'll be surprised if you'll do the mains in situ as the crank will need to come out


New Member
you can do all the mains apart from the one at the end near the gearbox iirc as my mate has done it before. you can just slide them round


Staff member
If a jobs worth doing, do it properly.

Drop the engine and get all the bearing grade numbers from the block and crank. The reason I suggest this is, if any material has come away from the nakerd bearings and you have debris floating around your crankcase and oilways you can give it a good cleanout before reassembly, whilst your at it you might as well replace the oil pump rotors as well.

If you do it this way at least you'll be sure it's done right.


hi been to garage the ry say its not the big ends had the sump off and no fileings in the oil the had the head of and cams ok its got to be piston a crack one the joint where thw con rod meets the piston gudion ??? help is need as never done engine out on this car im in essex any body can help would be grate help ???? cheers ken ps thanks for replys guys and girls