Jap Car Magazines

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
I used to read both Banzai and JP but rarely see them in any newsagents or supermarkets any more!

I normally look at the front cover and if I'm interested I'll buy it, but @ £4.50 its not cheap when I get FHM @ £1 (yearly subscription) £3.99 normally


Staff member
I used to have a subscription to Total Nissan... until they folded and I lost the remainder.

Like Andy I tend to look at Banzai and JP when I see them somewhere, and if I'm interested I'll buy them. - I've actually done quite well out of Banzai over the years; I won my braided brake lines, and the HKS DMR. Even though I joke about them being "Honda Civic Monthly" it's worth a punt from time to time just to get the competition details and win stuff. :lol:
I have really abandoned printed publications for the internet, my favourite sites being pistonheads, autocar, motortrend, speedhunters and sniff petrol for giggles. I also watch a lot of stuff on youtube, my current favourite (although has jap car content) is roadkill on the motortrend channel.

I find that print is too slow to be relevant and most feature cars have more details on the build in forums on the internet than in the publication. The jap publications all still seem hung up on cookie cutter civics and evos. The only magazine I seldom buy now is Octane if there is a specific feature I want to read.


Staff member
Are you waiting for the next episode of Roadkill? - What will they get up to this time; something to do with Mike Finnegan's boat(s) I think?
Still have quite a few back episodes to get through. Current favourite is engine change in the snow in a car park 100's of miles from home.