Jap finals...what happened?


As above really...i wasn't able to make it today but am quite keen to hear all!

How did the R's get on, did we clock any good times?

How about the pro's, did ND run the new evo??

Piccys would be cool if anyone has them :D



Lou ran twice and got an 11.2, ND evo was amazing, the strip was dangerously slippy :?

Oh and we ruined Northampton last night :lol:


New Member
deank93 said:
How did the R's get on, did we clock any good times?
I only saw two R's run, they were both white.
One did it in just over 16 seconds and the other was about 15.5

How embarrasing :roll:


jiw said:
Lou ran twice and got an 11.2, ND evo was amazing, the strip was dangerously slippy :?

Oh and we ruined Northampton last night :lol:

Thats more like it :D ....well done Lou, how were the terminals and 60ft times??


im not sure mate, i didnt see any of the runs, just sent a text, he said he was happy.

Good job my old box lasted


The 60's were still not my best at 1.9sec, but the terminal was 129.3mph.

But as Jiw said above, the track was pretty slippy :x

If the qeuing wasn't so big and I could of had another run or 2, a 10'sec pass would have been made.

But the gtir record for the pod now belongs to me 8)

And Jeff, the box still feels mint mate :wink:


well after Q'ing for over half an hour i got to the door and they shut it saying they werent letting anymore sign on for 2 hours! so i didnt bother in the end! :cry: was so looking forward to getting in the 12's too! :(


was a good day loads of quick cars :shock:

well done lou rob it was a good effort on a slippy track the record at the pod is yours :lol:

simon norris should get someone else to drive his car for him :?
i think he builds amazing cars but cant launch for $hit

im starting to really want the fennsport corolla it is so consistently fast 8)
it managed loads of runs no breakdowns and a 10.3 fastest time :shock:
it is just so reliable :D
it was a great day,great weather,great cars and great fun

goodnight :roll:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
LOU ROB said:
The 60's were still not my best at 1.9sec, but the terminal was 129.3mph.

But as Jiw said above, the track was pretty slippy :x

If the qeuing wasn't so big and I could of had another run or 2, a 10'sec pass would have been made.

But the gtir record for the pod now belongs to me 8)

And Jeff, the box still feels mint mate :wink:
what happened to Jason Gant dude?

i reckon you' d have made it easy if that headwind had died down a bit. it was blowing straight down the strip towards the startline :( fucking good effort though, you seemed to suffering from a lot of wheelspin :( maybe i shouldn' t say this but if you wasn' t such a fooking huge bugger you' d have got into the tens ages ago :wink: :lol:

only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs (if he got it) what a geeezer :lol: only joking dude :wink: your clutch even managed to outstink my ar5e :shock: :lol:

im sorting out my pics now, i have rather a lot so bear with me :wink: :lol: didn' t get home till 20:30 the M1 was fucking chocker for about 20miles :( :evil:


dam good day, shame the track was so slippery cant believe i managed to light up those r888,s.
and that jet car was just insane, top fun.

there was acouple of other Rs that had good runs, a white one i think done a 12.45 dont know who they where though.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs (if he got it) what a geeezer :lol:
Don't worry I think I have them both :lol:

I met quite a few people today, but didn't see anyone whose posted so far in this thread :? (except Lou)

I thought the tuners cars seemed to be slower on the whole than last year. I only saw Norris hit 9s and not many low 10s even.

There were about 45ish Gtirs in the 2 club stands and I can only guess more in the general parking area. Where did you park Kirko?

All in all I had a reasonable day, just a shame once again there were so many cars (and noon jap cars) running 15s plus again (andy excluded :wink: ) at the exspence of faster cars being able to run :evil:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Fast Guy said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs (if he got it) what a geeezer :lol:
Don't worry I think I have them both :lol:

I met quite a few people today, but didn't see anyone whose posted so far in this thread :? (except Lou)

I thought the tuners cars seemed to be slower on the whole than last year. I only saw Norris hit 9s and not many low 10s even.

There were about 45ish Gtirs in the 2 club stands and I can only guess more in the general parking area. Where did you park Kirko?

All in all I had a reasonable day, just a shame once again there were so many cars (and noon jap cars) running 15s plus again (andy excluded :wink: ) at the exspence of faster cars being able to run :evil:
i agree those slow assed 16 second cars shouldn' t have been allowed....who' s gonna tell Andy? :lol:

you may have seen me btw i was the mong in the cream fleese standing outside the gates clutching a hand full of passes. if you didn' t have your pass in the window i would have stopped you :wink:

post up a pic of yourself and i' ll tell you if i saw you :wink: my gf met your stepson btw. iv posted a reply about what he said to her :shock: in the motorsport section :wink: :lol: