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Active Member
just to let u guys know 00sid did a 11.2 yesteday with a 1.88 60ft he said traction was terrible hopefully they will glue track today as the pro cars etc are running if he can get a decent start hes looking at 10


New Member
Good lad, hope he gets into the 10's.

I've been stuck at home all weekend putting my car back to gether.


Still waiting on some shims!
What happened...? Really thought he'd manage the 10's today.... :(

I finally set my launch control up specially for today, 1st trip to the Pod and I was hoping to get a few runs in, pop my cherry so to speak.

On the way up the A3, my manifold decided to start blowing badly. Looks like a stud had worked its way out of the head.

Apart from the car not seeming to happy about this, I didn't want to run with the car like that :(

Maybe next time...

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
congrats to si i really hope he gets his 10. i saw him sunday morning looking like he' d crawled out of a cardboard box so im not suprised at him not running lol. plus the first couple of hours got buggered by cars laying fluid on the track which didn' t help the ques.

...we did see a 17sec pulsar pass Carl:doh: i also noticed someone in a black R go up the strip with his boot open:der: unfortunately i saw the R' s getting beaten most of the day:sad: best run iirc was 13.1.