Just came very close to crashing



I have a problem with my dear little nissan.

i was driving home from work, and the car kind of felt as though it was happier to turn right than it was to turn left.

Thinkin i may have a flat tyre i just blipped the throttle to see what happened (about 20mph) and the back end desides to overtake the front, almost spinning me out on my local high street. I managed to correct it, and pulled over. I couldnt see anything up with the tyres, i checked the pressures and they were fine.

I'm back on standard wheels too, so its not like theres massive strain.

I took the car do a deserted piece of road, and puut my foot down. Massive amounts of wheelspin as soon as i came on boost so...

It seems gtir's have some scary problems with their drivetrain. what with me nearly getting spun out, 2 others having wheels lock up.

now i'm thinking, what could have caused my problem....

1) could the transfer box have died? Would this cause all power to divert to the rear? can that happen by the nature of the design of the box?

2) Could the rear diff somehow no longer be lsd and the car is just letting 1 rear wheel spin? (i don't think this would have made me spin out though)

3) Could the front diff have gone up the spout, causing loss of power to the front wheels, so the transfer box decides to sent it all to the back. can it do that?

4) I think (hope) this might be the more realistic proposition.... for a little while, i have noticed knocking turning right, i asumed it must be cv joint, and took no more notice of it thinking i'll fix it in a few weeks. My work car then failed the mot, so i've had to use the car every day. Not my plan at all, and i havent been able to do the joint yet. If a cv joint went on the front, would that cause the power to be lost at the front wheels (assuming the front isn't an lsd on these cars) and thus divert it all to the rear?

Any help would be apreciated, and i hope nobody else has the problem

Charlie :?


Get it up on a 4 post ramp and see whats going rotate the wheels to check the diffs then look for anything obvious thats amiss...............i wouldnt want to be takin any chances with the roads at this time of year. Hope u get it sorted soon :shock:


wanna swap cars then? :lol:

It probably would have been fun if it hadn't came as a rather large surprise :roll: im just glad i corrected it :shock: seriously though. If they made a rwd gtir, and it had the standard size wheels and tyres on. It would NOT be driveable in the wet :roll:

RSnissan, thanks for the advice, where can i jack the car from with the ramp though, hey usually put them under the sills and ive been told not to on the nissan. only right under the middle at the front on the crossmember.


also, could the transfer box get low on oil?? would that cause rwd?


Mine did that when I first got it scared the 5hit out of me
I changed the transferbox and it was fine I'm still not sure
what caused it though as I was changing the transfer box
anyway for a unrelated problem. So it could be the t/box
but I don't know for def :oops: .


it scared the 5hit out of me too: nearly a year and a half of reliable driving in every type of weather and all of a sudden, the R has a trick up it's sleeve.

Any diagrams of the transferbox internals? or a step by step guide to removal would be great.


andy n

i went to a nissan dealer and they printed me out a transfer box schematic. try this.


theres no dealers for miles from where i live though :roll: do you still have it by any chance? :D maybe you could fax a copy to me if its not huge :?


Right- checked the gearbox oil level, its still ultra clean in there, really shiney too, i was quite amazed. Oil level was spot on too.

According to mike, the transfer box only has the front diff in, but i couldn't get the filler plug out anyway.

Took the car for a run anyway though, went to the nearest gravel car park and it was back to normal 4wd, even though i changed nothing :?

Any more ideas ? :roll:

Brett G

I had a similar thing happen to me very shortly after buying my R!
I was playing with a scooby and managed to beat him to a main roundabout and at this point I decided I wasn't going to go mad, so I took it round this roundabout only moderately with the scooby up my **** as I throttled up just slightly the whole car just spun and it felt exactly like my previous MR2 (rear wheel drive and all that!) the car was just too far gone for correction and I had to admit defeat with a very smug scooby driver staring straight at me :oops: !! Thank god I never hit anything! I was on standard wheels at the time and all tyre pressures were good????
Ever since then I have been really reserved with my R thinking that the handling was unpredictable, Its taken a long time but gradually I have reallised that it handles beautifully but that will always be in the back of my mind!
OIL???? :wink: