K plate Pulsar £1000 **UPDATED 1/11/05**



According to my insurance company that's what mine was worth!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Are they taking the piss

to say i'm fecked off is an understatement


Still waiting on some shims!
Re: K plate Pulsar £1000

Jonny_gti-r said:
According to my insurance company that's what mine was worth!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Are they taking the naughty

to say i'm fecked off is an understatement

Tell them to feck off and have a look around at the prices for a decent one...



Active Member
:shock: :shock: :shock: i reckone there quoting u for a normal run of the mill nissan sunny gti :shock: :roll: :wink: :wink: wankers will try anything to get outta paying up :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


They've told me i have to justify it's value!!!! I've sent them the purchase receipt from 9 months ago that shows £4200 + about £2k in bills and parts.

Nobody phoned me to discuss it or anything. all i get is a cheque for £1k and a compliments slip.

Fucking shocking


Active Member
Jonny_gti-r said:
They've told me i have to justify it's value!!!! I've sent them the purchase receipt from 9 months ago that shows £4200 + about £2k in bills and parts.

Nobody phoned me to discuss it or anything. all i get is a cheque for £1k and a compliments slip.

sodding shocking
dont cash it mate the moment u do u accepted that amount :shock: :oops:

Fire & skill

Vintage member
im not kidding mate - keep all the proof and take them to court.

if you look at your insurance documents it should say its valed at 'market value'

that means they pay market value for your car - come on be honest how much could a used car depreciate in 9 months.

go straight to CAB or better still phone up a solitors and they usually give you 1 hour of free advice.

can i ask - whats the insurance company?


i've spoken to someone else now and apparently the amount i was sent is from their guide list on their system and is "sometimes wrong".

I've sent the guy about 10 examples from the trader website that are similar mileage and condition etc after discussing it with him and he said he'd look it over and see if he can increase the cheque!

I'm not holding my breath.

the company is Admiral (not been too happy with them generally - everything costs you)


Still waiting on some shims!
Jonny_gti-r said:
i've spoken to someone else now and apparently the amount i was sent is from their guide list on their system and is "sometimes wrong".

I've sent the guy about 10 examples from the trader website that are similar mileage and condition etc after discussing it with him and he said he'd look it over and see if he can increase the cheque!

I'm not holding my breath.

the company is Admiral (not been too happy with them generally - everything costs you)

Can you not ask them to find you a car of similar condition for £1000...



Good point Rishi! if i have no joy going down this route then i'll go that way


I work for a solicitors dealing with motor claims.... generally claiming against people at fault but I get to know a little bit about various insurance companies and as long as they pay out as little as possible then they'll see it as a job well done.

Don't back down, ask them how they valued your car and on what basis they reached that conclusion.

Worth noting that even if you valued your car at say £3000.00 but in theory it's worth £4000.00 and you didn't realised.. you should be entitled to the full amount... another point to realise from Glass's guide is this:

All valuations provided on this site are not valid for Private Sale or Insurance Settlements
So if they try and fob you off with that then stick by your guns...

Good luck mate.


Active Member
i had teh same with my car a few years ago they valued as a gti as they didnt have a listing for teh gtir so i told him to go find a listing he came back 20 mins later and said 4k+ value

Fast Guy

Staff member
They did exactly the same when I was rear ended. They wanted to write it off as they valued it as a GTI not a Gtir. Check that's not what they've done. :?


New Member
I got 5.5k for this!!!

and i also got my car back off them and sold the bits for 2.5k :wink:

Whatever you do dont acept there first offer let alone there third one!! i had 4 offers before i accepted.

There first offer was ''CURRENT MARKET VALUE'' 2000 quid!! i politely told them what they can do with that 2000 pounds!!! :lol: :lol:

F U C k E RS!!! the lot of them!! you pay stupid insurance premiums and you get a shite service!! they really piss me off!!

Im with admireal at the moment!! :shock: lets hope i dont crash !! :oops: :oops:


Fire & skill

Vintage member
thats what i dont understand - when you phone up for a quote they know EXACTLY what car you have and proceed to screw you for it, then when you need to make a claim its like 'no its not on the system - i'll see what i can do' then proceed with the paltry offers

highway robbery


£1000... What a joke..

This is the kinda of thing i love happening to me.. allows me to got nuts at someone who deserves it.

I would demand 4k and not a penny less.

Good luck sorting it out, but you wont have a problem as long as you dont back down... the laws the law they have to replace what you had.


Well after a week of them not returning my phone calls i have had the offer increased to £3300 after sending them the purchase receipt for £4295 (in Jan 2005) and about 10 R's from the trader with similar miles and age and a letter from the garage i bought it from stating it will cost me £4k minimum to replace it for one as clean with same miles etc etc.

Their justification for this was that the assessor has done some "internet research" and that is the market price :roll: i asked for the copies of this research obviously :D

Told them that £4k is what i will accept and not a penny less so you can go think again...... i am waiting for a phone call this afternoon that i am sure will not come :x

Coming up to 7 weeks now and still no money or car!!!!!!

fucked off now!


I work for an insurance company just get them to pull the phone records under the finanical services authority guide lines they have to record every call that is made. also since the FSA started monitoring insurance most companies have to stick to strict guide lines so they can't get away with much.

Also i hope that you sent a photo copy of the receipt as they will in the end turn round and say opps we lost it. Any document you send them make sure it is a photo copy and when you send it make sure it is recorded delivery.


If it helps I go about £5k for my (stock) R 18 months ago off the insurance. I came to an agreement with the guy on the phone.

Still hurt though.