LAP sticker on ecu...??


New Member
Ive just had my ecu out and its got a silver sticker saying 'LAP corporation.

I opened it up and its got 2 LAP chip type things on the ecu.
It also has a switch, Normal and swi (?)

Do these come standard on the ecu??


mate , you have a modified ecu to your car!!this kind of mod is common in japan.
the switch is used to change between standard map and modified map.
the switch should bo to the bottom of the it and see...there are links cj1 and cj2..these are used to change between standard am modified map.
if standard the link cj1 should be used.
modified cj2

if the eproms are not glued on the daughterboard you can also reprogram them to suit your mods...

can you post a pic of the ecu?


New Member
Al see what i can do, although the chip packed up on us.
Ecu packed in so i got a standard ecu then got a mate who mends computers to swap the chip over.
It then fooked the 2nd ecu as soon as i came on boost :?

So ive now got a jam racing ecu, seems to work a treat