Legal question for you all...

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Nice and easy one…

Is it legal to drive on a public road with your bonnet removed?


i would think so as you can drive with no front bumper as long as you reg plate is clear to see.


New Member
abyss said:
i would think so as you can drive with no front bumper as long as you reg plate is clear to see.
And ALL sharp bits are covered over. I had to drive my car when i wrecked my front bumper but got advise form my mate who works for Traffic Division (T5's).

Not sure about the bonet, i could also ask him if you want?


Active Member
i dont think it is legal.
If you hit someone with your bnonnet removed it can cause more damage to the person you hit than if your Bonnet was there.


100% not legal
as engine parts are classed as sharp and jagged edges!
also, what would happen if a little kid stuck his hand on top of your ex manifold whilst car was parked up!
even bonnet scoops are made of fibreglass or similar material which will collapse on impact.
thats why the old style badges that used to be on jags, rollers, chevys etc are now all illegal!
the new style badges will collapse and fold on impact.

but having said that......if a car was built with ie a supercharger as standard, and the blower was poking out the top of the bonnet (prior to this law) then that would be legal to drive, as are old marques fitted as standard to their respective vehicles!

my my one does sound clever, does'nt one!:shock: :lol: :lol:


why thankyou most sincerely, kind sir.

would however wish to pass comment on ones rather appauling spelling error!
the offending word being (corect) this word should be spelt as 'correct' i would however guess that this was an oversight on your behalf, and trust that this occurence will not happen again!
after all we are all of the human species (well some of us) and are therefore inclined to make errors at some point in our natural existence.
but on this occasion you will be granted a full unbinding pardon, and may continue to use this forum at your own leisure!