lightweight prop shaft

Fast Guy

Staff member
Caz's mate has a carbon fibre one fitted to his Gtir, I think he said it cost £2000, but I can't remember his telling us where he got it from (he forgot :wink: )
Hopefully he'll see this thread abit later.

Innovate Performance

I was looking at this company about 3mounths ago for a prop for the skyline and they are now going to bring on out so i may give the a call tomorrow and find out the cost and see if they can do a gtir one.


They are a company that my friend used to work for located in Banbury, Oxfordshire, where i live.

Sadly my friend doesnt work there anymore more, but when he did he said they were an alright bunch of people.


New Member
Innovate Performance said:
I was looking at this company about 3mounths ago for a prop for the skyline and they are now going to bring on out so i may give the a call tomorrow and find out the cost and see if they can do a gtir one.
Yes, that would be great let us know how u get on. cheers nis.

Innovate Performance

i have family in banbury but none of them work for any auto engineering companies :( :(


New Member
nismoboy said:
Maybe we could organise a group buy?
i looked at these after getting in a panic after taking mine completely apart :lol: , could be interested, not at silly money though :(

Innovate Performance

kieron said:
nismoboy said:
Maybe we could organise a group buy?
i looked at these after getting in a panic after taking mine completely apart :lol: , could be interested, not at silly money though :(
will get a price tomorrow i dont think they will be cheap. my need to get at least 10 made up.


Dear Edward,

Apologises for the delay in response to your enquiry. After looking at the previous work undertaken on this project I can now confirm the prices for the following quantities of Sunny GTi R propshaft.

1- £1550
2 -£1480
5- £1380

All prices are ex VAT and delivery is anticipated to be 4 weeks from point of order. Due to the location of the exhaust the front section will remain in metal however the middle and rear sections will be replaced with a single span composite propshaft thus eliminating the centre bearing and providing a substantial weight reduction. We would supply the complete propshaft assembly balanced and proof tested.

In terms of time scales if you were to proceed with the purchase of the carbon fibre propshaft when would you want to have the parts by.

I look forward to your response, also if you have any further questions then please give me a call in my direct number listed below.


Well-Known Member
I remember you telling me about that the other day Edd, but £1800+ for a propshaft is a bit :shock: :shock: :shock:


New Member
Ferguson engineers Gtir has got a carbon prop it cost steve £2k ,and £500 a corner for drive shafts, although he hasnt had the drive shafts made yet.

i can find out the name of the company off steve if anyone was interested, i've just never said anything before coz they're a f**kin fortune and imo unnecessary on a road.


New Member
i think this would be a really good mod, cant we get it made out of somthing cheaper :?: like ali or something? or a lighter form of metal thats balanced :?:


nismoboy said:
i think this would be a really good mod, cant we get it made out of somthing cheaper :?: like ali or something? or a lighter form of metal thats balanced :?:
but then it wouldn't be worth the trouble or expense as you wouldn't be saving as much in weight.

spending 2k on a prop that'll save you 5-6kg is only a worthwhile expense if you've already removed ALL unecessary weight.

i don't think it's worthwhile spending maybe 1k on a prop that'll only save 1kg.

btw,aluminium would just i mentioned in another post,it would have to be a hideously expensive unobtanium alloy if it was not to be made from CF.


Active Member
oap-r said:
but then it wouldn't be worth the trouble or expense as you wouldn't be saving as much in weight.

spending 2k on a prop that'll save you 5-6kg is only a worthwhile expense if you've already removed ALL unecessary weight.
I would have thought the main reason for buying one of these would be to reduce the rotating mass of the propshaft, just as it is with a lightweight flywheel not, the weight of the car ?!


youngsyp said:
I would have thought the main reason for buying one of these would be to reduce the rotating mass or the propshaft, just as it is with a lightweight flywheel not, the weight of the car ?!
nobody will spend 2k on a lightweight prop for a car that is still over 1200kg's.

you'd get far better results from stripping the car of all unecessary weight first.the cheap stuff you do first,the expensive stuff you do only when you have to DOH :!:

Fast Guy

Staff member
The effect of reducing the rotating mass, varies with how far out from the centre the mass is rotating, so the outside of a flywheel would have a better effect than the centre area, so on a prop shaft with a small diammeter I don't think the effect will be that much, but I'm willing to give it a go one year :wink: (this years money is already accounted for :p )

Innovate Performance

Hi all spoke to the company that make them today. They have not given me a definate price yet as he is going to ring me back tomorrow when he has an exact cost.

But he did tell me A bit of info about them.
They will take upto around 1800lbft of torque + and the inprove the inertia of the drive train and reduce the diff noise and transfer loss. O and yes they are lighter.

The more that get made in one go the cheaper they will become due to the way they are manufactured.

To give you some idea the one for a Scooby costjust under £900.00 + VAT.

Will come back tomorrow with the prices.


If so say yes below so that i can go back to them with some numbers Tomorrow.



Or me :shock: , What's the bl00dy point might give 3bhp wow that will make all the dif won't it :roll: :roll: .
