Lots of smoke


Active Member

Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice,

My R is smoking like a tw*t , its sometimes grey , sometimes black, sometimes blue :shock: :shock: :( :lol: and its from the minute i start the engine,
the only time it doesnt smoke is when im cruising in 5th gear from about 50mph upwards,
Im only runnin 0.7 bar so its not like in GTI-R LOZ's case when it only smokes on high boost settings.
I know its not the turbo because its had a new one earler this month so im thinking the engine could be fooked , exspecially because of the blue smoke.

any advice much appreciated.


Certainly sounds like the tubby is dying a painfull death :(



New Member
Does sound like a turbo prob maybe leaky oil seals.

Have you got a reciept for this turbo?? If so is there scope for you to take it back to where it was sourced??



Active Member
antgtir said:
Does sound like a turbo prob maybe leaky oil seals.

Have you got a reciept for this turbo?? If so is there scope for you to take it back to where it was sourced??

Ive got the reciept yep , but im just a little stumpt as how im gonna get it somewhere to have the problem diagnosed , I live about 15miles from nobles but any police officer who sees the amount of smoke pouring out of the exhaust is gonna pull me straight away.

Just to add , when the car is just ticking over is when it smokes the most.

This morning i thought it had stoped because for the first five or so minutes of driving it was fine , just the usual condensation. but next thing i knew back smokin like a mutha fooker :roll: :D


If the police stop you just tell um your Batman using your smoke screen to evade the bad guys :D :D

If your exhaust is coated with oil on the inside it will take a while for it to get hot enuf to start burning the oil off which is possibly why she runs clean from cold. Plus the engine oil will be thicker and turbo colder thus making the seals better. As the oil gets thinner with heat and the turbo bits expand due to the heat then BLAMO, loadsa smoke :shock: :shock:

Whip off the inlet to the tubby and check for excessive shaft play and excessive oil. Also take off the outlet from the tubby that goes to the IC and see how much oil is in there.

I would ring up the company who supplied the tubby and tell them you recon its died. See what they say and take it from there.



New Member
I had the same problem with mine, when the car was sitting and ticking over there was a smoke coming out the back of it and when I slowed down after driving you could see the smoke.

The problem was the turbo, oil seals where goosed and it managed to lose 1.5L of oil, make sure your oil hasn't went right down.



Active Member
GTiR_Mic said:
I had the same problem with mine, when the car was sitting and ticking over there was a smoke coming out the back of it and when I slowed down after driving you could see the smoke.

The problem was the turbo, oil seals where goosed and it managed to lose 1.5L of oil, make sure your oil hasn't went right down.

Did you just replace the seals? or the turbo itself??


hey peeps just wondering how much condensation smoke use get in the cold mornings mine usually wont dissapear until the cars been driven for around 5-10mins to get it up 2 a solid operating temp

just wondering if this is normal, as it will still be blowing a little round 5mins after kickover on idle

wont dissapear until i start driving it

my car usually only gets driven once a week on pretty short trips

mite also add its a 3inch straight though system with cat and 5zigen cannon
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Active Member
Yep, it's normal.

The key here, is your short trips. That will mean the car barely ever gets up to full operating temp.
The large bore exhaust will also play a part !

If the steam didn't go away, then you should start to worry !


cheers yeah it definantly dissapears took it for a decent drive yesterday and stopped at a few places each time i checked and there was nothing :)
i just worry everytime i read something on these forums :p i think i have it