Low compression problems


New Member
My engine has developed a missfire which slowly got worse. Checked the usual things and found number 1 to be down on compression and a leakdown test showed it to be a problem on the inlet side. Had the rosker cover off to check all the valves are moving ok and everything seems to be working. The car starts first time. Theres no smoke, and will rev ok when stationary. Anytime its under load though it will missfire badly.
Any suggestions of causes/fixes etc



Active Member
A sticking valve maybe ?! I know you've checked to see everything is moving but, it may not be seating correctly ?!


New Member
Id half though sticking valve. Problem came on really steadilly over about a couple of weeks, gradually getting worse.
Any ideas for freeing them that dont involve removing the head?


Active Member
ChrisS said:
Id half though sticking valve. Problem came on really steadilly over about a couple of weeks, gradually getting worse.
Any ideas for freeing them that dont involve removing the head?
You could try some Redex or similar, straight down the plug holes ?! I wouldn't though ! Only real way your gonna find out is to remove the head by the looks of it. It will probably save you money to do that aswell as, something else may get damaged whilst your trying to unstick a valve !
Maybe a specialist machine shop could do something without taking the head off ?!

