MAF Cleaning


Active Member
I think i'm having some issues with my MAF, so I thought I'd have a look at cleaning the hotwire up a bit. Anybody with any hints or tips for this??



New Member
Wynns Carb Cleaner, it's the dogs danglies, Stu on here was having major problems with his, we sprayed a load of carb cleaner through it, worked perfectly afterwards, the power of the spray is enough to clean the elements, and it evaporates afterwards leaving it spotless. Halfrauds do it for about 4 quid a tin, not much else you can do to clean it really.

EDIT: Sorry meant to say obviously take the MAF off first so the small hole that leads to the elements is exposed and spray directly into there.


Active Member
Remove the black box of electronics from the MAF housing, that way, you don't have to remove the MAF from the car and, you'll be able to get to the whole surface of the elements. When disassembled just squirt the elements with carb cleaner.
If any deposits don't get removed by the carb cleaner, spray it on a cotton bud and very gently clean the elements until they are completely clean.

Reassemble and job done.
