Massive power loss !!


Active Member
Basically, I took a sharp left exit, at a far speed, from a round about, hoofed it up the straight and got a massive momentary power loss. I just backed off the throttle and then re-applied it, and it was fine. All oil pressure, temp and water temp are as usual and, nothing out of the ordinary (oil spills etc...) under the bonnet when I checked :?

The car has the OE fuel pump, around 1/4>1/3 of a tank of fuel in it at the time. I've never experienced this in the car before. It was just like the power had been turned off :!:

Do you think this was fuel surge ?


probably fuel surge.

I get this when just starting to be on reserve and pull hard away in 1st, sometimes just cuts out, same going hard round bends.

best fill up and do the same bends again, prove its alright :D


Active Member
paz said:
youngsyp said:
Do you think this was fuel surge ?
Yes, its a well known ''feature'' of the 'R ;)

That's good news :? :lol:

I guess I haven't been trying hard enough in the past as, I've never had it before in over 3 years of ownership :oops: :lol:


Active Member
Thats what it sounds like to me anyway, I'll probably get my arse chewed in a minute for being wrong :lol:

Its always round left hand bends and is usually when you chuck the car round with your foot planted, the fuel pick-up can't get at the fuel causing the power loss - at least thats what I got told when I asked a while ago when I was worried myself :lol: ;)

I've only had it a couple of times myself :cry: :lol:



Staff member
We use to go around this one left hand corner & the car would cut out - found out it was a fuel surge! We've got another R now so it never happens to this one!
Dont worry your car will be fine!



Fella's, I could add this one to my list of stuff to fabricate.

What you reckon, would this work?:

A cradle which holds both the uprated fuel pump properly (that we all use) and has a couple of fins/ walls local to the pick-up to stop fuel sloshing away from the pick-up on corners.

Would people be interested?


New Member
Paz mate you are correct :shock: :p :lol: :wink:

As Aimee says i used to get this in my Black R (1st) and was told that it was probably the pickup pipe from the pump being too small to reach to the bottom of the tank therefore when the left hand bend along with heavy foot was experienced the loss of power and splutter occurred.

If you do this on a regular basis i would say it isn't doing the car much good as you will be momentarily starving the engine of fuel :( which over a lengthy time wont be too good for the car.

From what ive heard its a reasonably simple thing to sort out and you can also buy branded baffles to fit in the tank. Your idea of fabricating some (prob best along the same design as branded makes) is a good one as long as its properly done :D

I wouldn't worry too much matey.



Yeah, i was thinking it could be made as part of a new cradle to hold the uprated pumps.

Mine is zip tied in to the oe cradle as its a smaller pump (think most people do this?) bit of a shit set-up, I'm sure zip-ties will eventually deteriorate in the petrol.

Cradle could have two extending fins deeper into the tank kinda either side of the pick-up pipe. Should help a bit.

Got any links to the branded ones???


youngsyp said:
CruiseGTi-R said:
Fella's, I could add this one to my list of stuff to fabricate. Would people be interested?
Yes please :D
Given that your car does it, you can test the first one :wink: :D .

It'll be a while before I get round to it, got a billion other R stuff on the cards before 'Cruise Design' Anti-Fuel Surge Pump Cradle w/ Baffle Fins, hits the forum market :D .