Mileage correction



Hi, Since i bought my R the rev counter has been very tempremental, yes it has white dials so the last owner probably bust it while fitting them

I have bought this set of clocks i spotted on ebay.

It mentions in the advert the mileage can be changed with basic tools, is that right? how do you do it? I want to change the mileage on them to match my cars mileage to prevent any mileage issues in the future.

I dont recieve then until tommorow so i havent had a look yet but i want to fit them asap.

Also my car is delimited but not MPH converted, will the delimiter be soldered on the back of my current clocks or is that just the MPH coverter/delimiter combo?

I was the seller of them (hi Vince :-D )

To change the mileage on my new clocks i did the following -

- Unclip the front clear casing from the main binnacle
- Using a small flat-head screwdriver (preferably a precision/jewellers set) very carefully place it between the numbers and you will find they can be moved off their ratchet system and rotated to whatever you want
- Clip cover back on and job done!


geoff pine

Well-Known Member
If you split the console by using the middle set of clips then undo the two screws at the back holding the mileometer in place you can just change the whole fitting over.


lol, hi dan! cheers for that mate!

nice one geoff nice to have a couple of options :)


Clocks came this morning mate, i have set the mileage to match my car :)

I will fit them later today or tommorow and hopfully have the luxury of a working rev counter lol


fitted them today mate and the revs and speedo where dead :eek: but the indicaters worked etc.

So i unscrewed the rev counter unit from the clocks and swapped with mine and it worked fine :) same with the speedo.

Strange but its working now.. cheers mate