mocal fmoc questions!


Hi guys, bought a used oil cooler from here with no instructions just wondering if you could clear a few basics up!

- theres a rubber on the sandwich plate, should this be tight to the block or tight to the oil filter ( i think block).

- Does it matter if the cooler is back to front, there is a mocal sticker on top and i pressume this is mounted the same way as you would read it .(silly question i know)

- I have a radtec fmic and radiator and they are pretty tight together so would it be best to mount in front of intercooler or behind rad or in front of brake duct.

cheers for help



cheers for reply gtirx2! Pics look nice indeed, but i cant do that as there is no gap between ic and rad, i could mount it where a/c was in front of intercooler but i dont know how this would effect cooling as in would it stop flow of air into fmic.

cheers daz


cheers for replys, about the top mounting, after doing a search i've found people suffer with the heat soak problem so might be going with the brake duct option!!

cheers again daz.