more problems, fixed!

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
starting to think iv got pixies under my bonnet :twisted: went for a drive tonight...

i start the car it ticks over normal (850 rpm) i drive to the garage pull up, turn the lights off and its ticking over at 1500 rpm
i start the car it ticks over normal, i drive home stopping now and then to check...its ticking over normal.
i pull up at mine and its still ticking over normal, i turn the lights off and the revs went up to 1100 rpm and it ran a bit lumpy :? lights on, 850 again normal running :?
so i left the light off and turned the blower on full, 1100 lumpy rpm again. i turned the lights and the rear screen heater on as well and the revs stayed the same @ 1100 rpm and the battery light not come on at all :?

wtf is going on! :lol: only things iv previously touched are: iv re-earthed the maf to the bulkhead as per the 'how to', iv properly fitted the lamba sensor which is 6months old and i pulled apart the tps lead and pushed it back together again :? :? :?

could a loose alternator belt be to blame? i fitted a new belt when i ditched the ac a couple of weeks ago.

OR could this possibly be related to my retarded timing?

this is doing my head in :roll: stu

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! does harsh language work at all? thought that where i soldered the new earth for the maf the join ws lousy so iv redone it. seemed to be ok but now its started wandering :? :evil: :? sits on 850 rpm and then goes up to 1100 for a few secs. if i put my heater/headlights on it sits on 850rmp constant :? :?

is my lousy earth responsible then? i cant make the connection any better than it is. iv used the earth point above the fuel filter, is that an ok place to put it?

would really appreciate some advice this is driving me nuts :cry:

oh and the timing :roll: :evil: seems to be fine, followed how too and blipped throttle to 3000rpm 3 times with the tps disconnected, it sat on 1000rpm. the timings already set to +18 degrees but when i checked it with the tps connected it came up with +15 degrees :?


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
as mentioned before iv re-earthed the maf, two different ways now. and i cant seem to get a reading below .7mv

is my maf shot then :?:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Fast Guy said:
Remove your earth and you'll find out if it's to blame :wink:
ended up cutting the earth completely rather than having them both spliced in together and ran both to ground. seems to be fine now...i hope :roll: dont feel like its holding back at all. must say thanks to gary who had me grizzeling down the phone at him for 30mins..thanks all :wink: