moving the washer bottle...


New Member
how difficult is it to relocate the washer bottle from the O/S to the N/S? obvioulsy i know i need to re-route the hoses and stuff, but does the standard bottle fit on that side or is that space intended only for left hand drive models?

failing that, how difficult is it to relocate the washer bottle to the boot??



Active Member
Essentially, you'll just need to make the cables and hoses longer. Then make up a bracket to fix it down. All fairly simple tasks. Routing it may be a bit more difficult but, not much I wouldn't imagine ?!
I would have said that it is a bit tight on the left hand side of the engine bay and the boot would be a better solution !


New Member
ive done a quick search on the forum, and it seems that all i need to do is extend the wires from the engine bay into the boot along the sill, and then i should be able to 'swap' over the pipes so that the one that runs along the car now feeds the front wipers and not the rear!, all i then need to do is box it in, as i take it its not exactly legal to driveround without a washer bottle!


all you need to fit it in the boot is a length of wire and a few hose connecters, use the existing hosing and just mount the bottle behind the osr lightcluster ( as the hosing runs that side for the rear washer)- the bottle doesnt need trimming really, i cut off the brackets i didnt need for it to look better. from start to finish only took a couple of hours.