My first track day (Brands)


Active Member
Well after wanting to do a track day for some time now I thought I would book one up and have a go.
The car is not really set up for track (yet) as it is on old nismo shocks with 60mm rsr springs and I was getting a lot of 4 wheel drift/understeer.
Anyhow the day seemed to go pretty well although when I first got out there I was trying way to hard and scrubbing loads of speed off in the corners and was just cooking my tyres.
Later in the day I started to settle down a bit and try and read the lines a bit better which was helping my tyres last a bit longer but was still getting a lot of understeer.
Looking back I should have really got an instructor as I am not the best at reading the lines and found it to be a lot harder than I thought it would be to get a good lap in.
I would like to say the gtir held its own out there but tbh I was getting overtaken quite often by various things including a lot of m3’s:oops:.Some of the m3’s were full on track cars with track rubber tho,but even so they was real fast and even on the straights I would struggle.
The brakes I am using are olliecast’s old setup of the clio 172 disc evo callipers and carbotech xp10 pads, and a big thanks has to go to him for getting them to me in time for this track day.
I am pretty hard on the brakes, but as it was my first track day I was not full on late braking but even so I have to say I was amazed at how well these brakes held up.
I was out there for roughly 20-25miles at a time and I did not get any fade out of them at all!
My tyres would go off way before the brakes and they seemed really consistent time after time, I am a firm believer in them carbotech pads now and don’t think I will use anything else.
As for fuel consumption was getting roughly 7.7-8mpg:lol:.
The swirl pot setup worked really well and I did not have any surge even with a near empty tank.
The fuel pump however did start to make some suspect noises which I need to look into, I am not sure what is causing it yet as it seems like the pump is struggling and the noise seemed to get worse with the heat, maybe from the boot floor?
The boot floor was getting to around 50c where the exhaust runs!
Also near the end of the day I was getting a bad miss fire which I am pretty sure is an ignition miss which also seems to be connected with the heat some how?
I did change all the ignition parts back to standard and swap leads etc and it was fine for a while then it would come back, the only thing I did not change was the plugs so maybe it was them? Or maybe even the fuel pump even tho I would swear it was ignition.
Anyhow the day was good fun and the people up there were all real chatty and not taking it to seriously.
The only nipple of the day was an idiot in a skyline gts who would not let you pass and was all over the track and a danger to others, and really should have been black flagged. He also tried parking in the garage I was using but I soon kicked the tit out.
I think next time I need some new suspension properly setup, and maybe some track tyres.
The trouble is where do you stop? As do you want a real serious track car that will cost a fortune with massive brakes,wheels,tyres etc,or do you just put all your effort into making the car as quick as you can on a cheaper setup, as really for me its just about having a bit of fun on track.

I slowed up to let him pass early but still:lol:

No chance

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Active Member
Awesome matey, glad the brakes help up aswell. Was a real good setup that.
Seems like more people are getting into track days / sprints. Really good to see.

Are you coming to the OC trackday?


Active Member
I have been thinking about it but oulton park is quite a distance away from me.
Will also have to see whats money is like nearer the time.


New Member
If your later on the brakes they will work even better, you'll find on your first track day you'll be on the brakes alot which generates heat causing fade. Once your more confident and can leave braking for as late and as little as possible the brakes will get better! :)

Car looks excellent out on track!


Active Member
Thanks mate,yep you are proberly right about the braking,just need more confidence to brake late.
It was a real eye opener and i have learnt quite a bit from that day about the car.


glad you had a good day and yourself and car are intact:lol:

brands is a difficult first time track, especially paddock hill and clearways!
its one of those tracks where you need to utilise the full width in order to be quick, theres no let up even the straight is a bend lol

you should do no more than 15 minutes at a time on road tyres as they start to go off.
also it gives you a break and a chance to look and think where your bad points are and where you can change your driving style in order to go quicker.
what times were you doing out of curiosity?

as for the misfire!!! maybe the ignition module overheating.
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Active Member
Cheers guys,the bend i think i was having most trouble with is druids and the mclaren/clark curve part, also i was braking way to early coming up to paddock hill bend as its blind and i found if i went in too deep the back of the car would get real light and try and go round.
Also i think sometimes i was more trying to keep up with other cars out there when i should of been consentrating on my own lines.
As for times, a mate filmed a couple of laps and going by the times in the vids i was proberly lapping in 1min 6/7sec so pretty poor really:lol::oops:
Them laps were in traffic so i had to get over for a few things:oops: I didnt really have a lap where i was really going for a good time,i was just out there trying to learn.
I think maybe i could get a 1min 3/4sec if i really went for it and got better at the lines, but i dont think the way the car is set up has got much more to give.


New Member
Well done Mate!
Great to hear you had a stint on track, had fun and posted great feedback, photos and videos to boot.
Your tyres certainly did go off.... as Bob mentioned, 20-25 minutes may have been a bit much for them but you must have been driving it hard... good stuff!
As you discovered and pointed out, when you find the right lines and not fighting the car through the curves you will be quicker and less hard on your tyres.
Just progress at your own pace without throwing all your hard earned at the car and keep it enjoyable. Track days are not cheap though when you factor in fuel, tyres, lubricants and desired upgrades.
Hope you stick with it .....:thumbsup:


with druids you have to turn in very late (past the apex), clark curves you can just about take as a straight if you clip both rumble strips but dont lift off untill you break for start of clearways or youll get really out of shape lol, the same with paddock you need to keep the power on (even when your heads telling you to lift off) it keeps the car squat on the rear, if you lift off on paddock then your likely to end up in the kitty litter lol.

i think you did rather well rich for first time certainly nothing to be ashamed of mate!
next time youll be quicker you see!
best time to learn brands is in the wet believe it or not as it will make you smoother and more consistant, you cant afford harsh manouvres there in the wet.


Active Member
Thanks guys,yep it is a big learning curve but i am going to stick with it.
I think i am going to change the suspension,do jims castor mod and maybe widen the track 10mm a side if it dont catch and then go from there.
I think i am going to stick with road tyres at first as they are cheap,and when i am happy with the feel/handling of the car maybe i will try some track tyres.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
I have been thinking about it but oulton park is quite a distance away from me.
Will also have to see whats money is like nearer the time.
I'd 100% recommend coming to Oulton Park in October. As Bob says, if it rains in the morning you will learn much more about the track and grip levels, as when it dries in the afternoon then you'll understand the levels of grip and feel like you've made further progress.
Not only that you can assess other peoples cars, their set-ups and make decisions about what might be best for you :thumb:

I think i am going to change the suspension,do jims castor mod and maybe widen the track 10mm a side if it dont catch and then go from there.
I think i am going to stick with road tyres at first as they are cheap,and when i am happy with the feel/handling of the car maybe i will try some track tyres.
I'd recommend Jim's Castor Mod as well as other basic handling changes.

The main thing that I find is that the slower you go the fast you become. Taking your time, thinking/concentrating about what you are doing more than chasing after a car in front can lead to you putting in much better times, consistency with your driving and a smoother controlled laps.

Overall looks like you've had a cracking time and I'd be keen so see you at the GTiROC Trackday later this year. :-D


Active Member
Thanks for the advice mate,yep i am thinking about oulton park its just a matter of money atm.
I have been reading a lot of old posts about suspension setups recentaly and have a rough idea what i want to try,trouble is there is loads of different coilover packages out there and am not to sure which ones to go for?
I dont think i want the teins as they dont seem as adjustable as the others out there but there are so many different makes from d2's,g-force,k-sport,bc coilovers,apex coilovers etc etc.
I have been thinking about a set of apex coilovers as i think they are basicly just rebranded bc coilovers, trouble is i am not sure if they are as track bias as say the d2's.But then i have read about d2's/k-sports leaking within a year or so, but saying that they do seem slightly better speced than the apex/bc coilovers but also seem harder to get.
What suspension would you guys recommend for a track car as my car is not used on the road anymore?


New Member
I have had the d2's and they have worked very well for me to be honest. The only downside is that they have rusted in places but i would get them again and maybe just protect them better with a layer of grease or something non penetrative.

Setup was relatively easy and they come with an adjustable rear arb drop link etc so they have thought about things.

I will have my hands on some JIC coilovers also soon so may look at those and how adjustable they are before i make a decision as to which ones im going to keep.

Im definately interested in the Oulten Park track day, will enjoy that i must admit.



New Member
Looked like a really great day mate well done car looks awesom on the track bet loads of people were chuffed to see an R?


Active Member
lol nah no one really cared about the R,a few people had a look around it and a quick chat but tbh i was out on the track more than i was in the pits.
Thanks for the feedback on the D2's ant,i have been looking at them but i think i am going to go for the inverted bc coilovers instead as they have been getting pretty good feed back on the forums at the mo,just not sure on spring rates yet.
I have recentally got the bits so i can now check my tracking and camber etc,and it turns out the car was running i think it is 10mm/60minutes? toe in(its of the gauge lol) so thats why i was having such a hard time out there and killing tyres.
Also my camber is very different from side to side on the front and i am wondering if there is something tweeked on one side to cause this,trouble is i am not quite sure what just yet as everything looks straight.