My oil pressure is off the scale!!!


New Member
Hi guys, just bought a GTI-R. I took it out for a drive today and noticed the oil pressure is off the scale on the original gauge. When I 1st start it, it's about midway but as it warms up it goes off the scale. I also noticed after a drive that the top end seems to be ticking a bit. Maybe they are related?

The oil itself looks fresh. The car is fitted with an oil cooler. I'd think that would drop pressure if anything.


New Member
I didn't realise there is a section this should go in, I didn't see it when I first looked, sorry.

My gauges do have white dials so maybe the needle on the gauge has been put on wrong.


Hi welcome to the forum :) are cars are tappy top end any way with having shims, solid lifters and you can hear the timing chain. I'd check see how much oil is in, but it could be the needle on the gauge was
Put on in the wrong place


Staff member
I'd take a punt that it's the gauges at fault, but it's a risk. - Try taking the oil filler cap off when the engine is idling and see if there's oil spraying on the cams (don't rev it because it's likely to spray out). I know it doesn't really tell you much, but it may prove that there's not a blockage which is potentially destroying the cams/rockers and giving excessively-high pressure.

It should sit about middle of the gauge once warmed-up, and then increase with revs. - I've never seen mine go off-scale.

As above; it's quite a "tappy" engine. - Both the solid lifters and the injectors make noise, but you can identify which one it is by using a screwdriver (or stethoscope if you've got one) to listen to where the noise comes from.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I'll pick up a replacement set of gauges on Monday and see if it's that. Hopefully it will be.


Well-Known Member
might be worth dropping the old oil out and putting some fresh in if it not known when it was last done.


Just pull the needle off the gauge, turn the ignition on but don't start it then put the needle
On at 0 then when you turn ignition off
Should drop back down and be about right. The things are not over accurate anyway with the scale on them


Staff member
The things are not over accurate anyway with the scale on them
No. If you're serious about it, it's probably worth fitting an after-market oil pressure gauge with a warning light that comes on much earlier. - The Nissan version is probably OK for the road, but if you're on the track it's unlikely you're going to be able to save the engine if the light comes on.

That advice for resetting the gauge is good.


as above if you want to monitor it accurately buy I good aftermarket pressure gauge. I would replace the temp gauge at the same time


New Member
Thanks Rich, i'll try re-setting it. I'm not bothered about it being overly accurate, I just found it a little worrying with the readings it's showing at the moment.