My park brake, or cable? makes an annoying clicking sound as I drive


Diesel Fumes

Little bit of background to the problem. When I got the car my park brake cable was seized up and the park brake never worked. I removed the cable and shot lubrication into it until I got it unseized. I put the cable back in and now the park brake works fine. But as I am driving at any speed the park brake will make a constant clicking sound. It is very loud and obnoxious. I played around with the adjuster screw with no success. I looked at everything underneath and it all looks fine.

I had a similar problem with an older Audi I owned. I believe it was a seized rear brake caliper. If I drove with the park brake handle pulled up one or two clicks it would not make any noise. This could be the problem with the R, but I only doubt this because it worked fine before and was not seized on. Also, if I pull the handle up a few clicks it does not make the noise go away. Desperately need help here. I can't drive my car around like this. :(

While I am asking, I will post another problem that it has. As I take turns at low very low speeds it makes a rubbing/clicking sound in the rear end. It sounds very ugly and I don't like it. Sounds almost like a CV joint, but I always thought only front ones make the noise when going around corners.


Diesel Fumes

I fixed the ebrake problem, It actually was rubbing up against the driveshaft. I never would have thought that was the problem. I feel like a fool, haha. THe other problem vanished as well, so now I have a good working order car!