My R is not idleing right?!



As above really, had the car about 2 weeks now, loving the car totally, everything seems to be fine, bar this one annotying problem!

Basically, it sits at about 1200 rpm when its idleing, and when you slow down, brake then use the cluth, it drops to like 1000 rpm as it should but the moment u hit the cluth it rises again! Any ideas?!

It was fully serviced before I brought the car, maybe it just needs setting up by a pro? As I said ive only just brought it so am completely clueless when it comes to the R!

Any help much appreciated :D




The problem is...

... you have an 'R!

Ask around, most idle at anything between 900 and 1500 rpm. Mine is currently at 1200 rpm, but over the 4 years I've had it, it idled at 900, 1100, 1000 and for a while at 1400 (that was annoying!!).

It could be an air leak in one of the boost pipes, the idle control valve might be gunked up (there is a proper term for it, but I can't remember), the throttle bodies might need oiling. Most just put up with it though.