My R on the Rollers!

Gaz gtiR

New Member
Ok im sorry this is quite abit late guys & i should of posted this back in july! But i forgot all about it & now that im sat at home bored its just come to me to put a thread up! :roll:

Anyway back in july i took my R to Ed at fusion to have NISTUNE fitted & mapped!
The car made 299.6 BHP & 294 lb.ft torque! @ 1 bar of boost. But we had the usual fuel pump issue where it wasnt getting enough fuel as the fuel pump was still running of the standard loom! I have sorted this problem now with the direct feed from battery mod!

Ed turned around & said that he was pritty confident the car would push out abit more once i had sorted the fuel pump out! NOW DONE so ill prob take it back this year sometime & try & get that bit more out of it :)

Just wonderd what you guys thought of the figures?? 299.6 bhp & 294 lb.ft torque! & what would i need to get to around 350+ bhp?? would going forged be my next safest bet?

Mods are:
standard internals as far as im aware.
standard turbo.
apexi avcr set @ 1 bar.
ap 4 paddle clutch.
walbro 225 fuel pump.
blitz air filter.
RB gearbox.



New Member
just add evo injectors and z32 maf for about 350 which you can do near on a standard turbo and it will still be safe, no need for a forged engine


Active Member
just add evo injectors and z32 maf for about 350 which you can do near on a standard turbo and it will still be safe, no need for a forged engine

As above,
you should get around 330bhp with standard maf and injectors, 1.2bar ish :)

Gaz gtiR

New Member
yep thougut as much about evo injectors & z32 maf! just didnt want to put the standard tubby on its limites so thought about keeping it @ 1 bar! i thoght the r/r figures was quite good & espesialy if i may of got more if it wasnt for the fuel pump issue on the day??


New Member
my maf and standard injectors were a bit old and cream crackered and i didnt get much more than 300 maxing them out but with eds mapping i got 333bhp at 1.1bar i think and he also manged 343 at same boost but not enough fuel getting there for some reason so we left it at 333 safe enough at 1.1bar