Nasty judder, help!




Seems like i'm posting in this section all at once at the mo!

Anyway, i'm in urgent need of some advice. My R flew through it's MOT yesterday, not one problem found whatsoever. There was me all smug and chuffed when last night, after a run home on the motorway from footie, I get to a junction, pull away and the whole car went into a horrible judder, like it was getting stuck.

Once you get past the judder it seems ok, and is ok going through the gears. I have tried reverse which also does it, and also tried to pull away in 2nd, and it does it also. It seems like the noise or judder is coming from the back of the car, although I could be wrong.

Any ideas guys? Im not great at this type of thing, and just need some pointers really.

Oh yeah, car is running standard clutch and box, and also standard all round bar a Apexi air filter.

Thanks in advance.



take it back to where you had it MOT'd and say its got a problem, which wasnt there when you took it too them and threaten to cut em all open :wink: :twisted:


That would be an idea mate, and normally something i'd consider but it's not exactly the friendliest place in the world!! I was there when it was MOTd, watched the lot, I don't think they did anything to it, even I drove it onto the ramps.

Update....As the day wore on it got better, and I kind of came to the conclusion it MAY have been the clutch, so I took it to a local garage for a professional opinion and the bl00dy thing stopped doing it, and hasn't done it since!

I know this problem won't just go away which makes it even more annoying as I like to just get things sorted out and fixed.



Active Member
Sounds like the clutch mate. Check the master and slave cylinder for the clutch for low fluids or leaks. Could be one of these letting you down or, could be a bit of oil on the clutch plate that has now burnt off.

That's the beauty of these cars, you can track down where the problem is but, it takes a while longer to track down exactly what it is :wink: