need help!!



got my new pulsar i bought it needing the turbo recond and a new lambda oxygen sensor so done both of them and the turbo is spinning up fine and showing good boost but it feels like it is holding back possible air leak maybe?? can anyone help?? cheers:doh:


New Member
Have you done a fault code check yet? Do usual checks for boost leaks, check plug to MAF etc, you might have disturbed something when changing the parts over.


dont mean to sound dumb but the only thing i know how to do from the things you said is check for boost leaks how do i check the fault codes etc? sorry but new to the R world


ok done it mate and it came up 34 knock/det sensor so gonna have a look tommorow in the daylight and see if it is a loose connection i have heard 9 times out of ten it has worked its way loose cheers


do you know if the 200sx knock sensor fits? if not do you know where i can get one? cheers


New Member
PM pulsarboby on here as he seems to be breaking everysingle R going, he is sure to have one, looks like a bugger to fit as im doing mine soon :(

Dont think the 200 one will fit but could be wrong

Have you tried clearing the codes so the det code doesnt show?


if i clear the codes will it solve the problem? cheers


Active Member
NO, you're just clearing the code from the memory, so that if it occurs agin you know you still have the problem


Active Member
connect the two pins on the connector when the ign is on, that should clear it.

I guess you didn't read the post properly.....

"Short out the two right pins in the grey plug under your fuse box (in cabin) when you have the car switched to ON (but not started) Short the wires for 3 seconds (the CHECK ENGINE light will turn off while you are shorting them out). The CHECK ENGINE light will flash a series which will indicate a code -
LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG (pause) SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT - indicates 55 which is ALL CLEAR. If it flashes 34 its Det sensor, 21 Ignition circuit and I cant remember the other 2 off the top of my head . To clear the ECU codes, short the wires out again while it is flashing the code. If you leave it flashing the code and then start the engine you will have an inbuilt LEAN/RICH
indicator that works off your O2 sensor (which must be warmed up before it will do it).


ok cheers i did that last night when i checked the code, any ideas of any easy way to get to the knock sensor? cheers