NEED PICS!!! it´s hurry!



of the clutch in gtir..

does anyone have any pics when they change there clutches?????

im gonna change my now this weekend....

plz ... i need some tips &trix..... how it can bee more easy to change...

is there something els i need to fix or change.. when i change the clutch?

you can send me pics to my mail:
or post them her!

HELP me boys..... /fredrik from sweden.


Active Member
have a look in teh top of the maintenance section i put a load of manual bits in there should be one one teh clutch change


i changed my clutch myself about 3 months ago, pulled the box down at home and changed her.

Be warned its not a pleasent job, alot of swearing, cursing and just wishing you got a cheap FWD or RWD car rather than 4WD, oh you are probably gonna wish all Japanese engineers burn in hell too.

but back to the point, i took some pics of when i did mine and they are avaiable at

i took the throttle bodies on mine off to get access to the big Y bracket, you prob wont have to do that, it all depends if ur dropping the engine as well as the box, i chose to leave the engine in there and just drop the box

good luck
