new clutch bedding


New Member
Just got my new Helix uprated organic (pic's will go up soon) clutch but how do i bed it in?

I know it's sounds silly but how am i suppose to drive with a brand new clutch? (i've never had to replace a clutch, i just sold the dam car instead LOL)



New Member
Average driving with plenty of pull aways from standing (not launches!)
mine took about 150 miles to bed in and stop slipping


Mine was fine from the outset, but I was running standard boost. I just drove it normally for the first couple of hundred miles. A couple of early trial launches did seem to give a bit of slip, but it grips fine now.

The hardest part was getting used to the the way the Helix springs out at you about half way up the pedal release. A mate even offered to buy me some L plates so I wouldn't look so bad as I pogo'd off every intersection or set of lights... :oops:


New Member
well i've got another problem as well lads. I'm running in a freshly rebuilt engine as well at the same time. 1K miles running in which means no launches :(

any suggestions........?


Active Member
forgot about bedding my new clutch in
finished the clutch change off at 6 in morning straight in car to the pod

tried a launch on the road leading to the pod and it slipped which got me worried but it took 8 runs that day no problem


New Member
ashills said:
forgot about bedding my new clutch in
finished the clutch change off at 6 in morning straight in car to the pod

tried a launch on the road leading to the pod and it slipped which got me worried but it took 8 runs that day no problem
good lad :D


As mentioned, just avoid any big launches or lightning gear changes and you should be alright. As for the engine I would guess you have to keep it off boost for the first few miles but someone else may be able to enlighten you further. I know when I got a new bike I had to keep it below 5000rpm for a thousand miles (and with a 15,000 rpm redline that was painfull!) but I figured better safe that sorry!
