New E5 Petrol



New E5 Petrol 99.7Ron

Ok one for the Fuel buffs now from what i know about Fuel so far is its a 95:5 Petrol Bio-Ethonal and reported to be 99.7 Ron which i would have thought was very optimistic as they say it will retail at regular unleaded prices (4.7 Ron for free & greener fuel)?

So Does any chemists out there know if this is going to be any good or not?
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FFS Paul that new stuff will only be for sale in the South Tesco only does 95 up here!

But if it is the same or similar to what Tesco sell has anyone used it to good effect as i would only need to drive 30 mile to get this other stuff and with exchange rate and a few Jerries might be cost effective??


Active Member
jpward said:
FFS Paul that new stuff will only be for sale in the South Tesco only does 95 up here!

But if it is the same or similar to what Tesco sell has anyone used it to good effect as i would only need to drive 30 mile to get this other stuff and with exchange rate and a few Jerries might be cost effective??
I bet they're the same stuff ! ;-)

As for the Tesco stuff, I have used it for an extended period in the past and, it is ok. Once I filled up with Optimax (at the time), you could definitely notice the car liked the Shell fuel more. Not only in responsiveness and smoothness but, the fuel economy was noticably better too.
Once they introduced V-Power, the car liked that more than Optimax so, I haven't gone back to the Tesco stuff, despite it being 5p cheaper a litre than the V-Power !


New Member
i found with the tesco stuff that cold starts were not good with it it used to fire up the cut straight out again as soon as i moved back to optimax then it was fine again


I was not happy with the answers on their site they seam unable to supply the figures we really need to decide if this is a better product.
Below is what i managed to find out;

One litre of ethanol emits: ((2.36/31)*21.2)*0.5 = 0.81 kg CO2.
One litre of E5 emits: (0.81*0.05) + (2.36*0.95) = 2.28 kg CO2.
(5% ethanol : 95% petrol)
One litre of E5 has an energy content of (0.05*21.2) + (0.95*31) = 30.51 MJ
This is 98% of a litre of petrol.
Based on assumption 2 above, one would therefore need 1.02 litres of E5 to replace one litre of petrol. The CO2 emitted by 1.02 litres of E5 = 2.33 kg. The reduction in CO2 from replacing petrol with E5 would therefore be ((2.36-2.33)/2.36) = 1.3%.

Octane rating of E5 averages 99.2, a little higher than Regular Unleaded which is generally between 95.0 to 95.90

So in short from my findings it apears Maxol are the only ones on a winner here, Your vehicle will use more fuel/Mi and produces 0.04% less CO2/Annum this is not what the press pack shows. Instead they are pushing the notion of the increased resistance to knock or higher Octane rating when in reality it has less chemical energy producing less power/stroke

I think this is what the people using Tesco 99 have found with apearing to be down on power in comparison to v-power.

...........And so the wait continues for V-Power :cry:


Active Member
I think the way the products are produced plays a big part.

Tesco 99 RON, and I dare say this Maxol stuff use additives to boost the octane rating to 99 RON, or there abouts. V-Power is actually refined to be a 99 RON + fuel. It then has additives added to improve it's other properties, like the greater cleaning ability etc...

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
supermarket fuel is cheap, poorly stored cr4p for the most part.....

and i know for a FACT as iv seen it happen countless times that half the drivers forget to inject the additives into the fuel when its being loaded onto the hgv anyway:roll:
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Fusion Ed

Active Member
I've done allot of mapping on tesco and v power. My opinion is vpower will get more mpg (or at least seemed to) but both are good in protecting against knock. Evo I did recently made 501bhp@wheels on Tesco 99.


Micra Ed said:
I've done allot of mapping on tesco and v power. My opinion is vpower will get more mpg (or at least seemed to) but both are good in protecting against knock. Evo I did recently made 501bhp@wheels on Tesco 99.
Anyone know the MON for Tescos 99?

Maxols is coming in at 86 MON which is worse than super :?

Edd you had much experience with Ultimate?

Fusion Ed

Active Member
BP ultimate? unless you get their race stuff which is 102 something the its only 97, I've not tried it.


Micra Ed said:
BP ultimate? unless you get their race stuff which is 102 something the its only 97, I've not tried it.
Yes sorry BP its the best we can get here ATM :sad:

I read the Spec sheet on the 102 and it is very good even at £2.49 odds but would hardly pay me to go over in the ferry for it :lol: Hoping at least 1 site may be considered here which is also near our main Track :twisted:

From feed back off shell we will never get V-Power and the even have it in bloody Thailand where they also have 91 ron fuel at a whopping 2p/L :shock:

(Dont mess with my Tuk Tuk song springs to mind :lol: )


Micra Ed said:
I think 2.49 is a rippoff since you can get full on race fuel for little more!!
Well C16 is about £4.50 what do you use?