new turbo?


New Member
might have to look into getting a new turbo as my hks gtrs has started smoking i think (blue haze on cold tickover goes when boosting) and i am not sure where to get it rebuilt as its hks and apparantly has slightly different fins etc, i am thinking of the 3071 that so many people have do you know if my oil/water lines from the gtrs will fit as they are different to standard and also will the 3 inch inlet fit infront of the gearbox? how close are the 2.75 inlets to the gearbox as my pipework is 3 inch i would prefer to keep it the same if possible


New Member
good good you should see the gtrs then cant really believe it fits still lol are the pipes the same as the origional turbo or are they different do you know

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
that would give me the ump too:lol:

better add that if using the standard position i found depending on how you mount your exhaust manifold/turbo you might need to grind off part of the front engine mount bracket to stop the compressor housing fouling, its only a few mm anyway;)


New Member
lol if thats the only thing then that ok at least i hope its the turbo cos if i replace it and it still smokes i wont be happy!


why not do a compression check before laying out for a new tubby!
just to be on the safe side.


New Member
yeah i will do that i also thought it might be the forge oil seperator as it seems to be putting alot of oil back into the inlet have re-routed it and will see how she gets on


New Member
did compression check last night got 130,120,125,125 then did it when red hot and got 120,120,120,125 i did this test about 2 years ago and it was the same, seems a little low though as i thought it should be between 140-160 but i guess they are ok as they are all fairly similar


Active Member
All the lines would be the same wouldnt they, as hks are garrett turbos with there own specs on wheels.
I have 4" inlet with a 26 mm spacer plate i think by memory and i have about 2mm between silicone hose and gearbox, i also have 2 gaskets aswell which is probably 1-2mm if that so it will be a tight fit.