newbi!!!! ish

Chris V

New Member
Hi people im sort of new, bought my first GTI-R about 8 yrs ago j plate 44,000 mint £5,000 was the best car i ever owned. had it 3 yrs in which time it only had a rad and alternator. used it every day to and from work. and i ripped the nuts off it ever chance i had. 5" mongoose sounds awsome and with a spark plug in tail pipe spits mega flames. Just joined site again as i am hunting for another one. had a scooby for couple years, then a gts skyline was a lovely car, but i want another GTI-R. sorry for the essay people.:-D
J962 DAP was my GTI-R if any body seen it or no anything bout it.
oh and i from Kent

Chris V

New Member
Thanks mate, i been scanning that for last few days. couple to look at the weekend as long as the old women dont give birth, she dew any day lol