Nismo strutbar front - "Bends" the hood


Just installed my newly bought Nismo towerbar front, and it seems like it touches/bend the hood when I try to close it.

Should I worry about it? Dont want to brake my hood..


New Member
Rage said:
Just installed my newly bought Nismo towerbar front, and it seems like it touches/bend the hood when I try to close it.

Should I worry about it? Dont want to brake my hood..
Yes worry it should not touch your 'hood'

Can you take a picture of it to show us how it's been fitted.


Just slam the bonnet shut, it'll soon fit. :-D

Just kidding. I had the same problem with mine. The bonnet is spaced on washers at the hinges to avoid it hitting.

It also helps engine cooling, lost of drift/track chaps do it anyway.


I have exactly the same brace, and mine was touching the two outide back bolts that hold the large rubber seal under the bonnet. (The two bolts on the out side, by where the washer outlet hoses dissappear through to the nozzles.) If you swap the standard bolts for low profile pan head allen bolts they should clear it no problem. Mine don't touch the bonnet, anymore... I hope this helps?


when i fitted a standard sunny bonnet mine wouldnt shut so ive removed it for now,
im going to make a new brace eventually


The Nismo sticker should be on top, undo the allen bolts and try flipping the bar only round, not the ends.

Might not make a difference, might do.

I have nismo one and it doesnt touch the bonnet.



New Member
fil_gtir said:
The Nismo sticker should be on top, undo the allen bolts and try flipping the bar only round, not the ends.

Might not make a difference, might do.

I have nismo one and it doesnt touch the bonnet.

its only a sticker, most i have sold the sticker has been worn due to heat

it is a nismo brace 100% sure of that they are the only people who make front struts in that style

however it should have NiZmo (the s looks like a z) stamped on the strut support ends


mattygti-r said:
its only a sticker, most i have sold the sticker has been worn due to heat

it is a nismo brace 100% sure of that they are the only people who make front struts in that style

however it should have NiZmo (the s looks like a z) stamped on the strut support ends
I have the stamps on the strut support ends. My friends didnt believe med when I told them that the strut was nismo :p


mattygti-r said:
its only a sticker, most i have sold the sticker has been worn due to heat

it is a nismo brace 100% sure of that they are the only people who make front struts in that style

however it should have NiZmo (the s looks like a z) stamped on the strut support ends
I didnt say it wasnt nismo, i was suggesting turning over the centre bar to see if is a slightly different angle. And the sticker should be on top.


I had a similar problem with the GAB brace that was fitted to our car when we bought it. Found the same problem as *13* in that the rear nuts holding the rubber surround of the center vent were hitting the cross bar. Took the nuts off and no more problem.;-)


Active Member
I agree with fil_gtir. You can even see wear marks on the top side, that should be the bottom side, where it's been rubbing on something !!! More importantly, why would it have a sticker, advertising its brand, on the underside, where no one can see it ?!

Flip it over and see how the bonnet closes then !
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