Nissan Official Spec sheets or similar


New Member
does anybody have any scans of any OFFICIAL Nissan spec sheets for the GTi-Rto

I'm going to my first MOT tomorrow and they may ask for weights etc. the UK reg cert didn't have any specs for the car really. would be nice to show them something official.

Anything will do...owners hand book.....etc etc

no horry....i need em TONIGHT :lol:


Staff member
I think the image of the sheet at the end of the first link is the 'official' document from Nissan.
I don't recommend that carfolio site; a T3 turbo with an air/water intercooler!?
Shalom (GTiROZ) might have the official documents, that's the sort of thing that he seems to get his hands on.

Google is your friend though.


Staff member
Yeah - I remember now.
There's 'shell weight' and 'kerb weight' - it weighs more with the spare tyre in, the jack and tool kit in place etc.
So one is the weight of the car and running gear, the other is the weight of the car when you collect it from the dealer and have everything you need to put it on the road (legally)?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Kerb weight may be with 4 passengers?!? I weighed my car when I got it and it was 1240kg in full road spec.


New Member
The whole reson for all of these questions, is that when we import a car from what ever country, that hasn't been sold here, is generally a red cloth to our dvla and mot people. It's only like 3 years back when we even got the first GT-R registered here because of Finlands stupid laws on cars. these guys here don't belive anything that other countries do and they are trying to do what ever they possibly can to keep their own line on cars approvals etc etc. they don't even care about the general opinion from EU and common sense ain't working here.

Some things are now changed tho, and registering a jdm car is relativily easy now, as long as you have ALL the needed documents and know something about the laws etc. Most MOT inspectors know nothing about these cars (GTi-R for example) and then i need to tell them or try to tell them. They will try to ask dvla anyway, but usually they don't know anything either. That's why we rely on ducuments so much.

We usually get a statement from the manufacturers official people here in finland, but i didn't have the time now for the Pulsar.
Another one i have had to do is order a type approval paper from TUV Germany, as they will make one for that specific VIN. it naturally costs a bit.

This time, as this car came from EU, (UK) it seemed like they thought that everything is ok just like that, eventho it was imported from japan someday.....meaning that there is no magical E-marks on every damn nut. they just didn't notice to check them as i had the UK reg cert 8)8)

When i imported and registered my RX-7 and Legacy they both came from Japan. Nothing was good on those. i needed to prove everything...seatbelts, emissions, lights, mention was wrong and needed a paper (tuv).

This Pulsar was different, but i was scared as the UK Reg Cert didn't have ANY technical data, like weight, lenght, number of person what so ever. Even the damn first day of registration was wrong as it was the same that the first reg date in UK.(1998) it was pure luck that i managed to tell them that the text DECL/Manuf 1991 is the real year of first reg as they were in the middle of registering it as 1998 model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now that means that i would need to pay the allready too high car tax by the model year of 1998...meaning BIG now i'm waiting to pay like 1000€ max....if they reg it as would be like 5k or so....i don't even know....

we don't have that model report system here and basically the owner/importer needs to get the right papers that they want.

The problem with imports from UK is that they don't usually have the original export certificate from Japan. that would sort almost al ofl the year etc problems.

this is the short version and i'm happys to tell more if someone wan't to know.

i'm happy that Pulsar was ok as is. i'm lucky as i found few cars (we have like 10 of these her eon the road MAX) that were sold and got their reg numbers, so they were able to campare to those. So i didn't need to get any papers. one majosr thing is the fact that they saw it like EU import, so it "has to be" ok on all the things like seatbelts and safety etc systems.