Nissan Pulsar Arial?



My arial just snapped off. After drilling out the bolt left in the holder I went down to Halfords to get a replacement only to find none of the ones they sold would fit.

Anyone know why?

The Pulsar arial mine had is bloody long and I would prefer a smaller 'bee sting' type ariel anyhow, but I dont know what type I should buy to fit the Pulsar. Halfords 'Nissan' fit wasnt even close.


New Member
A ford one will fit, mikes got one on his, i got a short nissan one from halfords and had to chop that and my old one up to get it to go in, used the new ariel in the old bit that screws down drilled out and bodged :roll:

looks better, works cr@p :lol:


New Member
:D Dont do what i did,went to Nissan as mine had broken,£30 :shock: that was just for the bendey bit :shock:


i would shell out for the original if you want a decent radio reception, i looked around and found a bee sting forgotten what company now but its not great in some areas, looks ok though


New Member
206 aerial fits in perfect nice and short aswell, the reception on the radio's fine aswell. :)


None of those fit mine as the hole is 8mm in diametre!!

I bought a standard aerial with a 6mm removable screw. Then I bought a packet of 8mm bolts from B&Q :)

Next I drilled the hole at the aerial base to 7.5mm and forced a thread in there using one of the bolts. Then I screwed in a bolt and cut the end off apart from about 1cm

Next went to the car and using another 8mm bolt re-threaded it and then got my new increased size aerial and screwed it in

Job done :D