no oil pressure for a few seconds, fine after a little rev



As above, just put the damn thing back together after a gearbox rebuild, the only thing i touched on the engine side was reseal the sump's and reseal the cam cover, how hard is the oil pump to replace? i guess its engine out :(

im using castrol rs 10/60 and the oil filter is as advised, off a 1.3 16v micra

i think the gauge may be a little dodgy as it reads 8 on startup sometimes, when it settles it idles on what would be three and goes higher with more rpm.

the oil temp gauge sits around a couple of notches above 70.

help appreciated, dont wanna cook the motor as im a little skint at the moment :roll:


erm those figures sound about normal so what's the problem? :?


Hi edd, i thought the figures where good enough, its just the fact that i have a bag of spanners for a few seconds, seems like a few vauxhall engines ive had,i.e rattley on startup, just wanted to make sure.

The thought of rebuilding the engine after just paying for the insurance scares me shitless

Thank's, jeff

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
my oil was around 98degrees most of the way back from jae @motorway speed, ive not fitted oil cooler yet but i think thats about avarage. i use the 10w60 too, when warm@ tickover it sits on or just above 2 on the pressure guage. at start up it goes up to between 6 and 7. imo all normal :D


my engine makes a rattly noise in the morning for about a second, thought this was normal though :? but if u aint touched anything engine wise i seriously doubt that u have a pump problem. More like a disturbed wire when u dropped the engine :wink:


All in one mate, plus the alarm plus the gearbox and transfer box rebuild plus hks clutch etc etc i think all in ive just spent about 4 grand including insurance, least my worries are over now, thank's :D


New Member
:wink: Just sounds like the timingchains tensioner mate :!: £50 from Nissan and about 20 mins to change :D