non working dials



ever heard the phrase .. if it ain't broke don't fix it?
i recently changed my black dials to lockwood white dials in an attempt to 'jazz up the cockpit' and now wish i'd left well alone, the problem i'm having is that the three ancillary pods don't work, temp gauge doesn't work and the speedo works when it feels like which has a knock on effect because the milage doesn't change. i've seen others are having similar problems and wondered if there is any cure rather than buying a replacement.
any suggestions greatly appreciated


Active Member
You should of marked the postion of the needles when they are at there max postions clock wise and anti clock wise,so you can't get it to wrong when you go to put them back together.
As for the speedo you have to play with the needle by pulling it in and out so that you find a postion where they move freely and smoothly all the way round the clock.
I am guessing when you did your dials the spindles on the back of the needles came out as well thats why your oil temp/pressure and boost gauge is not working as they are so far out of adjustment.
I have some shockingly bad pics that may help with the main dials but i have no pics of the smaller gauges...
First have a look at this thread to see where the needles sit when they are at there ferthest postion anti clock wise.
Here are my dodgy pics for the fuel gauge that are not in that other pic.
Max anti clock wise postion.
Max clock wise postion
These next pics are even worse:oops: :lol:
Speedo max clockwise postion.
Rpm max clock wise postion.
If you use my dodgy pics and the pics in the thread you main speedo dials should not be to far out,just make sure that the needles move freely and don't catch on the dial face,this can take some time to find the best place so the needles move right.


i have the same problem with my rpm gauge stick your foot down and the gauge moves very slowly tryed to pull in and out with the needle but still having no joy any idears before a put a hammer through it?


shinny said:
i have the same problem with my rpm gauge stick your foot down and the gauge moves very slowly tryed to pull in and out with the needle but still having no joy any idears before a put a hammer through it?
Any joy with that? cause mine is doin the exact same thing with the speedo clock! :doh:
Think i just need to get new clocks! :roll:

Anyone with any advice on this would be very helpful!!
Many thanks Tom!
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New Member
I have a quick fix for knackered speedo,
buy a road angel compact.
More accurate aswell.
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brilliant find!! thanks for that post gtirx2 .. i put them white dials in, an unfortunately, my temp gauge now doesn't work, my fuel gauge doesn't work, not sure about the revs an even when the cars standing still, according to the speedo I'm doing 24 mph :lol: ..

i'll get on to this the weekend. Cheers mate


Any chance of the same pics for the small gauges tho i've found if you turn the ign on and adjust the clocks to there Nil position they mostly work

also found once you mark the start and end of the sweep of the needle and then carefully turn the passed this point a bout a rotation while Gently pulling the needle they come off without damage to the dail
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