not gtir related but help


has any tech head seen this kind of pattern on a piston crown before and know what caused the ghosting effect on the inlet valve side
my thought are either
dodgy injectors cause bore wash (as bores are scored)
running lean


New Member
that looks like she has leaned upand scorched the piston,or something else was in the fuel and detted on top of the piston


all four have burns like that worried my feul pump is leak as evo have a sh1te design for holding the pump against the lid of tank


i take it thats your old engine from your evo youve finally stripped down then mate? :?


Active Member
Could be caused by overheating as that will also cause the oil to loose its lubrication properties as well as scoring the bores etc.


Gutted :shock: :cry:

i hope you find out the cause of why it's happened so it doesn't happen again.
oil pump failing or weak possibly?


Active Member
mike sorry to hear about your engine :cry:
what a/f value was the engine running?
was it overheating?
is there any oil contimination?
never seen that before!! at guess the heat in the chanber was too much on the inlet side.perhaps incomplete mixture burn.
any sign of det on the piston crown?



New Member
Now if you'd bothered to ring me i would've told you exactly what it is..

Its a very rare and almost never heard of un-happy piston moose :( , an un-happy piston moose is gaurunteed to sh@g your engine mate, and sounds like you've got a herd of them in there if all 4 are marked.

Was it the fuel pump then ???

Are you still running that chip ???

Could that have led to any fueling probs ???

Sorry didn't ring you, brothers had a baby ( so been up there ), not him personnaly of course, but theres now another child in the world unfortunate to have me as an uncle :evil: