not happy


New Member
went to put the new oil into my transferbox yesterday, only to find it had a square drive snapped in it :doh: tried welding a bolt on but it didnt hold, ended yo having to fill it through breather which to a LONG time. bit gutted about this :der:


New Member
Did you try and taps in a thread, screw in a bolt and pull it out to remove the square drive bit.

Get some pics.


New Member
nah, would mean removing the transfer box to get in with a drill, think i'll wait till i have it finished and get it down my mates place on his ramps. will try weld another bolt on and get the oxycetolene on it aswell.


New Member
nah, would mean removing the transfer box to get in with a drill, think i'll wait till i have it finished and get it down my mates place on his ramps. will try weld another bolt on and get the oxycetolene on it aswell.
try not to over heat to much the housing. :thumbsup:


New Member
at least it has oil in now. i prob should have noticed this before i put it onto the 'box and in the car :(