Not sure what the problem is. Help Please!!



Hi all i'm quite new to the site, its been really helpful for advice and how 2's for which I thankyou!

Recently i had to replace the water pump, changed the belts while i was at it. There has been a recent service of filters and oils and spark plugs.
The car was off the road for about a month and I had to jump start it to drive into the garage to fix the water pump, however when i went to start the car again it wouldnt! It was as if the battery was dieing out even after jump starting it again.
Charged the battery overnite and the car went fine for a day, the following day the abs light came on and shortly after that the car died out and wouldnt start again.
I thought it was the battery so i got a new one, and the car went fine for a couple of days this time untill the same thing happened, ABS light and car died out!

This ever happened anyone before? or anyone know what my problem could be??
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated!!
Cheers Tom!
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first thing you wanna do is get the alternator charge rate!
put some multimeter probes across pos and neg battery terminals with engine running and see what voltage reading is, it should be between 13.5 and 14.5 v
if its lower than 13 then your alternators more than likely had it.

if it is reading ok then you have a dead short somewhere which is draining power from your battery.
you can check door lights, glovebox, rear boot etc to see if any lights are still on when they should be off. but if there all off you will have to locate the power drain by removing a fuse at a time to see which line is causing the drain, and eliminate it that way!

but will more than likely be the alternator, or broken drive belt lol


Yea im thinkin its goin to be the alternater, although there isnt much noise coming from the bearings in the alternater, will try those things later after work and see how it goes.
I think it was you i was tlking to about getting a engine mount sent out, could u add an alternater to this order plz? Would one of ur used ones be ok to get me up and running for now? thats, thats if it is my alternator!
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yeah theyll be fine tom, there all checked prior to being removed!

just carry out the tests i told you about first though, to make sure it is your alternator thats causing the prob;-) or youll be chucking money down the drain!


ok just did the reading there and its 11.86volts. so i take it thats just the power of the 12v battery with out any charge from the alternater?
Do u think u could send over an alternater and that engine mount located behind the coolant overflow bottle? PM me a cost please. Many thanks for the help!!