Oh dear!

Wanted to fit some new plugs and leads to the R today and upon pulling off the HT leads i was greeted with this:

I guess the best thing to do is try and mop up the plug wells as best as possible. They are full!

Moral of the story - always use Nissan gaskets, not those pattern parts cheapo ones :roll:

Oh and this arrived today:

Only got a crappy phone pic:

As you can see, fitment is very good, i didn't do any lining up, just bolted it in place and thats the result.



New Member
u may need new rubber sill washers that sit under the nuts as these hold ur cam cover down if worn they dont push down hard enough to seal properly
Thanks for that info matey. By sill washers do yoy mean the ones around the outer nuts, under the larger metal rings? The cover wasnt leaking at all from the outer edges as the gasket was only replaced back in november time when the rocker cover was put on.


Matty B

New Member
there is four small rubber gaskets under the rocker cover, mine also got worn and leaked a bit so i took the cover off and used a bit of sealer. sorted.