Oil from dumpvalve

Couple of days after getting my r back from another visit to the grease monkeys it started backfiring alot more than normal on gearchanges accompanied with varying degrees of blue/white smoke the worst being when you went back on the accelerator after lifting off all the way down to idle from 0.4bar plus.
Its done the amount of oil until the light comes on plus a whole tub of mobil1, the mixing seems to be coming up stream of the engine as i discovered that its p*ssing out of the sqv as well.
Whats causing this is it the turbo itself, the gasket or something else?


if you have oil in the Blow off valve, then that means you have oil in your intake system and hence why you see the smaoke when you give it a hit as the engine is burning up the oil. If you use that much oil to warrant the light coming on (around 3.5 Litres) then you have a serious problem / leak.

My guess would be that a seal in the turbo is rooted and your gonna need the turbo rebuilt. Of course if it were me, this is the perfect time to upgrade to a better turbo (perhaps bigger, and definately ball bearing)

But the question that i have is, was it doing this before you took it to the machanics? Cuase if it wasn't then they have stuffed ur car up, and you can take it back to them to get it fixed.

Prob the workshop took ur car for a thrash and knackered the turbo. Pray its ur turbo otherwise ur gonna need an engine rebuild.

Sorry doode, but it looks like bad news either way



hate to be the bearer of bad news but i have just got my R back from Hiteq for the exact things you have now..
i would do a leak down test asap :cry: ..sounds very like a detted the engine not anything to do with the turbo!


Active Member
this happened to me when I accidently plugged the gearbox breather pipe to the BOV instead of the correct vac/boost pipe :oops:

you know the hooked one that just clips to the underside of the IC frame to retain it...

When you do this - it sucks all the gearbox oil up the breather and burns it.... great white smoke screen and unlimited boost.... hmmmm not for long

I think I've said enuff!


GeeTee 8)

Sunny Nutter

geetee said:
this happened to me when I accidently plugged the gearbox breather pipe to the BOV instead of the correct vac/boost pipe :oops:

you know the hooked one that just clips to the underside of the IC frame to retain it...

When you do this - it sucks all the gearbox oil up the breather and burns it.... great white smoke screen and unlimited boost.... hmmmm not for long

I think I've said enuff!


GeeTee 8)
not meaning to be horrible but I am PMSL at that
I could only imagine the clouds of smoke it made! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cars been in and out of the specialists since a friend of a friend was entrusted to rebuild the engine (crank and pistons) but arsed up the finer points on the boost lines.
Last of around half a dozen visits of decreasing confidence to the specialist saw me pay for the actuator gland to be replaced and the boost pipework tinkered with which they told me was causing the engine to det quite badly, they thought to tell me that whilst the turbo was out that they inspected it on the bench and found it to have end play which should start to see it smoke by the summer. However its never smoked until i picked it up on the last occasion to the point that the mechanic also remarked that he would have expected it to considering the condition of the turbo.
Latest news is that the oil has now coked up the densos and the engine is now missing on at least one cylinder, smokes less though!
I will take it back in as soon as i can but the conversation i have had with the specialist over the phone (when they answer it) seems to suggest that they are going to try to fleece me for a new turbo.


New Member
if they try that ask them how much the end float was out of tolerances cos they are listed here on the first page i think i would make a link but i'm crap with computers


Oil on plugs, burning oil, oil pumping out of dump valve seen that before on 2 r's sounds to me like broken piston/ring lands gone, Ask for a compression test and take no bull

Do you have a boost controller has someone wound it up on roadtest then back down??????????? :roll: