Oil Leak


New Member
I've got an oil leak on the Pulsar which is coming from the front passenger side. It's virtually clear and too clean to be engine oil so I'm guessing it's transmission oil. If you open the bonnet and look down at the top of the gearbox (in between the dizzy and air box) it has oil on it but if I didn't know better, I'd say something is dripping on it as the oil is on the top and there doesn't seem to be an obvious way it could get there unless something was spraying oil upwards and if so, it would be all over other components. I've checked pipes and hoses in the area but nothing looks suspect. Are there any other compnents with oily fluid in them - power steering maybe ? Any ideas or suggestions guys ???.......thanks


New Member
Nice one, that sounds much cheaper than a new gear box. Is the clutch slave cylinder in that neck of the woods (passenger side, front). I can't fix this myself but it gives me something to point the garage to before they go off on a wild goose chase.....thanks.


Active Member
Also could just be gear oil coming out of the breather on top of the box if its been slightly over filled,give the oil a sniff you will soon tell if its gear oil.