oil pressure build up!

Gaz gtiR

New Member
how long dous it usualy take for oil pressure to build up on an R? as if i dont start mine for around 2-3 days, as soon as i start it the top end is noisy for around 3 seconds untill oil pressure builds up!

like i say only 3 seconds! is this normal?? & am i just being paranoid? :?

ALSO its been away in the garage since the begining of december for the shit weather! just started it & mlet it warm up for 10 mins! undid the oil filler cap after switching engine off & theres mayo in the filler cap? im putting it down to condensation? has any1 else ever seen this?
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geoff pine

Well-Known Member
Yes I had a condensation problem when I had the oil separated on the passenger wing and only going on short trips with it or just running it like you are doing . Once I put the seperaters back in the standard place and use the car every day it's not doing it any more :thumbsup:

Gaz gtiR

New Member
hmm hopefully its just coz its been stood in the garage in this cold weather! still got seperatrors fitted on mine!


New Member
Aye I'd go with condensation on the cap as well, just letting it tick over for a bit wont get the oil hot enough to boil off the condensation, same goes for things like exhausts etc, once its been a run it'll be fine, if the rest of your oil and is mayo'd and your loosing coolant then that's more of a problem...and i mean coolant for this time of year, just water will end up with popped core plugs or worse

so yeah, your paranoid ;-)

Gaz gtiR

New Member
yup thought i was beeing paranoid! :roll: suppose thats what you get for owning renault 5 turbo's in the past. HEADGASKETS... lol :doh: not losing any water!

so any ideas on the oil pressure build up any1??


New Member
I dont own a Gti-R so cant tell you from experience, but does it have a gauge? does it build up pressure from cold quickly? or take a while to get there? noticing changes in this can help you catch things like shells getting past their best.

but again id say its probably paranoia;-), most likely is all the oil will have drained into sump and its taking 3 secs to pressurize the oilways and cover everything in oil to quieten it down is most likely explanation....especially on a 20 ish year old engine

Gaz gtiR

New Member
i think thats what it is to be honest. oil sat at the bottom of sump when its not been run for a few days! its fine if its started within a few hours apart if i go out somewhere!

i htink if its been sat for a few days ill just have to disconnect coil lead & prime the engine then start it! like you say it is a 20 year old car!

PARANOIA is a b***ard! lol

cheers for your help WEEGAZ22 :)

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
check the sump isnt pushed up, it shouldnt take that long.

another thing i had with a car was the sump had been dented, then pushed back down,

but the pick up pipe had also been damaged and was taking too long to feed the head, over time this will cause damage.

Gaz gtiR

New Member
ive checked the sump & its nice & strait!

so is it not normal for it to take around 3 seconds for oil to reach the head if the cars been sat for a few days? as all the oil will of ran back down into the sump??

as GTIR1000 said! i thought this would of been a reasonable explanation?? :?